An axe falls on Africa’s big spending despots

Neither popular uprisings nor the increased spreading of democracy’s sweet 
appeal across Africa have managed to completely rid the continent of all its 
'Big Man' rulers – the bully autocrats and dictators who rule with iron fists 
while looting and plundering their way to fabulous wealth. But at last it seems 
they may be hit where it hurts most: in their pockets.

The popular rebellions of the Arab Spring spurred a new interest in the affairs 
of these thieving rulers. As the despots fell one after the other, astounding 
details emerged of the incredible stolen wealth amassed by the likes of Muammar 
Gaddafi of Libya, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, and Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali of 

But, in Sub-Saharan Africa many of these 'Big Men' of Africa continue to live 
in fabulous ill-begotten wealth; untouchable by any instruments of democracy or 
their own corrupt police.

Palaces and bank accounts are spread outside their own countries as insurance 
for the often inevitable future exile. Their grossly inflated egos demand that 
they ensconce themselves behind walls of absurd security while their populaces 
are kept in line by brutal secret police, self-serving armies and thuggish 

Just think of Zimbabwe’s octogenarian ruler Robert Mugabe, the father-and-son 
presidents of Gabon, Omar and Ali Bongo, Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea, 
Denis Sassou-Nguesso of Congo-Brazzaville, King Mswati III of Swaziland, or 
Omar Al-Bashir of Sudan to name but a few.

Feathered nests

Many of these tyrants have feathered their nests in Europe and elsewhere with 
impunity except when they fell out of favour with their hosts - think Libya.

In this way, Equatorial Guinea’s Obiang, who ousted his uncle, Francisco Macías 
Nguema, in a bloody coup in 1979 – becoming Africa’s longest serving ruler – 
has plundered the coffers of one of Africa’s wealthiest oil economies.

At Number 42 on Paris’ expensive and fashionable Avenue Foch, writes Angelique 
Chrisafis, correspondent of The Guardian, Obiang owns a 5-storey mansion with 
its own hair salon, disco, spa room, gold and jewel encrusted taps, and 
fabulous views of the Arc de Triomphe, that symbol of everything Obian is not.

Here, his 41-year old playboy son, Teodorin, until recently drank some of the 
most expensive French wines, received the city’s top couturiers to cut his 
cloth, watched movies from his collection of over 15,000 DVDs, and stabled his 
fleet of Ferraris, Maseratis and Porches.

Recently Forbes Magazine named Obiang Africa’s worst ruler. Journalist 
Mfonobong Nsehe, says most Equatorial Guineans do not have access to clean 
drinking water, while about 20% of its children die before the age of five.

Meanwhile Bongo junior and close relatives in France own 39 properties, at 
least nine luxury cars, and operate 70 bank accounts, states one French police 

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, had nothing good to say about Gaddafi’s 
ill-begotten wealth – despite his people benefitting more than the subjects of 
most other despots.

But, Sarkozy recently keenly received and posed for photos with another 
big-spending African despot: Sassou-Nguesso of Congo-Brazzaville. In their new 
book, The Scandal of the Ill-gotten Gains, investigative journalists Thomas 
Hofnung and Xavier Harel say Sassou-Nguesso spent €652,000 on clothes in 12 
months at just one Paris tailor, members of his clan owned 24 properties in 
France, held 112 bank accounts and a string of expensive sports cars, this 
while 70% of his fellow countrymen live on less than one dollar (R8) a day.

Zimbabwe’s Mugabe, has amassed a fortune at home and abroad. This week he will 
be celebrating his 88th birthday at a cost of $1-million while most Zimbabweans 
go to bed hungry. Despite travel restrictions imposed on them in many 
countries, he and his wife – commonly known as “Gucci Grace,” frequently manage 
lavish shopping sprees abroad.

Africa’s second-longest serving president, Angola’s José Eduardo dos Santos, is 
often accused of running his government as if it is his personal investment 
holding company. It is said there is nothing of value in Angola that is not 
directly or indirectly owned by the Dos Santos family.

Serving with him in the “family business” as vice president is cousin Fernando 
da Piedade Dias dos Santos, while the president’s daughter Isabel Dos Santos is 
said to be the wealthiest woman in the country.

The majority of Angolans lives in abject poverty and are denied almost every 
single basic socio-economic right people in developed nations take for granted.

Many governments like that of Sarkozy’s are still loath to act against their 
cash-flush African cronies. Chrisafis’ article points out that allegedly 
African leaders regularly give briefcases of cash to French politicians. 
Allegations are rife of French collusion in corruption in its former colonies 
under the cosy system known as "francafrique," in which kickbacks, petrodollars 
and privileged relations feature strongly.

Tide changing?

But perhaps, what the Arab Spring exposed has finally touched a moral nerve or 
two regarding the rest of Africa’s big-spending 'Big Men'. Hofnung and Harel’s 
revelations have scandalized Francem and triggered a landmark investigation led 
by anti-corruption NGOs, investigators and prosecutors into the ill-gotten 
gains of several African despots in France. The axe may soon fall on them.

The on-going enquiry in France into the origins of the Obiang, Bongo and 
Sassou-Nguesso clans’ fortunes led to a police raid on the Obiang properties 
and the seizure of possessions. More raids are to follow. Silence has settled 
on the Obiang house on Avenue Foche.

French police say jointly the Obiang, Bongo and Sassou-Nguesso clans have 
assets worth €160-million in France.

In reference the Arab Spring’s fallen despots, Chrisafis quotes Maud 
Perdriel-Vaissiere, head of one of the NGOs leading the French case, as saying: 
“We're warning against double standards: Why should you have to wait for a 
leader to fall to put a stop to corruption?"

And, it is happening elsewhere as well. In the US a government-initiated court 
action is seeking to seize $71-million of corruptly-gained assets from Obiang 
Jr. In Spain an enquiry into the Obiangs' assets is also under way with 
investigations and actions in the pipeline in other countries.

With a lot of hard work, perseverance and some luck we may yet soon see the 
last of Africa’s 'Big Men' spending their ill-gotten gains abroad while their 
subjects suffer in the worst conditions of poverty imaginable.

Stef Terblanche



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