Once again the ANC has made a half step, voting to rename Pretoria Tshwane.  But opting to keep the name derived from the racist settler Pretorius, who stole the land from the indigenous Africans,  for the center city -- which, if consistent with typical European city planning methods, is the heart of the financial and commercial area...what a sham!  Also, note how the AP slyly insinuates/implies that the Dutch invaders preceded the Africans in the area in the following paragraph:

"The city of 2 million, established by white settlers in 1855, was named after Andries Pretorius, a leader in the Afrikaners' ''Great Trek'' into the interior of the country. Tshwane, which means ''we are the same,'' was the name used by some of the region's earliest African settlers."

The only positive thing about such half steps, is that it is a half step closer to changing the names and the structural, infrastructural and superstructural realities of the South African neo-colony, to a fully liberated Azania.  An Azania that would be able to aid and assist Africans all over the world, given its immense human talent, now bottled up by the predecessor system to the Apartheid settler state, and the enormous material wealth in the country and the region.


South Africa's Capital Renamed Tshwane

PRETORIA, South Africa (March 8) - In a symbolic break with apartheid, officials in South Africa's capital voted Monday to rename the city Tshwane, retaining the name Pretoria for the city center only.
The decision was taken at a special meeting of the governing African National Congress-dominated metropolitan council, the South African Press Association reported.
''By embarking on this process and project of transformation, our country is making a clear distinction between the old and the new, the past and the present,'' Executive Mayor Smangaliso Mkhatshwa was quoted as saying during a four-hour debate.
The city of 2 million, established by white settlers in 1855, was named after Andries Pretorius, a leader in the Afrikaners' ''Great Trek'' into the interior of the country. Tshwane, which means ''we are the same,'' was the name used by some of the region's earliest African settlers.
The South African Geographic Names Council is expected to approve the change when it convenes in October and begin the process of changing the city's name on maps.
Monday's vote is the latest in a series of geographic name changes since South Africa's first all-race elections in 1994 ended decades of white-minority rule.
The government says South Africans should not have to live in cities, towns and streets named after the people responsible for their racial oppression.
Opposition councilors argued Monday that the process was a waste of money, and said the move to rename Pretoria threatens to split the capital along racial lines.

AP-NY-03-08-05 0022EST
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