Beware wolves in sheepskins

*Stephen Mpofu Features Correspondent*

In old traditional farming practices in Zimbabwe, mixed cropping was used
as a technology to confuse pests.

 Today, however, can anyone say with equanimity that the crop mixing of
non-governmental organisations in this country has any benefits for the
In fact, are the so-called non-governmental organisations genuine purveyors
of benevolence to poor nations, or are they hit squads as proxies of
Western governments intent on changing political order in African countries
whose policies the donors abhor?

A “yes” or “no” answer will not do justice to the question, a “yes” and
“no” answer provides a point of departure in motivating discussion on the
real motives behind the planting of non-governmental organisations in
almost all donor-fund recipient developing countries.

Zimbabwe becomes a basket case in point, especially with recent disclosures
in Britain by self-anointed dubious Friends of Zimbabwe to the effect that
they had funnelled as much a US$2,6 billion for what they termed
transitional development in the country since the formation of the
inclusive government by Zanu-PF and the two MDC formations.

Now look carefully at what is going on the ground in Zimbabwe and you
wonder, gap-mouthed, where all that money went because your eye will be met
with countless numbers of former workers trudging the streets after the
same “Friends of Zimbabwe” shut down factories through their diabolic
economic sanctions imposed as a reprisal for Zimbabwe’s land reform

And you see children pushing distended bellies for lack of nutrition after
the same “Friends of Zimbabwe” snatched food from the mouths of these
children by ruining the jobs of their parent — breadwinners.

Look around again everywhere in the country and you are won’t to be met
with forlorn facts as the future for most Zimbabweans grows bleaker,
bleaker and more opaque and so this is what the dear friends of Zimbabwe
call transitional development.

Of course, all right thinking people know that transitional development is
nothing, but a metaphor for regime change that the West has wanted and
continues to want to exact by sidelining, and if possible obliterating
altogether, Zanu-PF and its leader, President Mugabe, from the political
scene in Zimbabwe to pave way for blue-eyed boys of the West to rule the
country so that Zimbabwe might become a political and economic playground
of the imperialist.

What this suggests, therefore, is that some, if not most of governmental
bodies operating in Zimbabwe are conduits through which the proponents of
regime change have pumped those billions which has obviously ended up in
the bottomless pockets of leaders of some political entities in this
country as agents of the much wanted change of Government.

These people, who run with the hare and hunt with the foreign hounds, have
obviously fattened themselves on the huge windfall, or have they invested
the dirty money in hopes of spending it on so-called transitional
development when in power themselves without Zanu-PF which the West
obviously regards as a political demagogue and one from which Zimbabweans
must be spared?

However, the people of this country know on which side their bread is
buttered and so no amount of political witchcrafting with imperialist
quislings running the errands as goblins will hoodwink Zimbabweans into
turning their backs on people and the party that have freed them from an
iniquitous colonial government that had turned them into slaves on their
own land.

It would, however, be grossly unfair of this pen to compartmentalise all
non-governmental organisations in this country as being good for nothing.
This is because there are those bodies operating out of the realm of
Government authority and which go out of their way in times of need to
serve the people of this country, say, by providing food aide or some such
requirements to keep soul and body together.

There are also those bodies operating outside of the framework of
Government and which work for the elevation of women from walking
perpetually in the long shadows of men and to equality with them in every
aspect of human life.

These are to be celebrated by all who do not pay lip service to equality.
Nonetheless, those local non-governmental organisations that walk a
revolutionary pathway and a revolution promotes equality and is probably
more democratic than the much vaunted democracy of the West are to be
counted on one hand.

Be that as it may, this pen humbly, but strongly believes that the powers
that be in our country should take such measures as will safeguard the
lives of Zimbabweans from hyenas that come to us in sheepskin camouflaging
their evil intentions, but claiming to be our friends.

For instance, is there any godly reason under the sun for foreign
non-governmental organisations to continue with their mischief making, in
the process destabilising the country, while the Government watches as
though those bodies are playing house?

Will the Government lose anything by ridding the country of such malevolent
In fact, does their continuing, surreptitious mayhem not give an
unfortunate impression that the country is woefully helpless to take any
remedial action against them?
Food for thought.

As for local non-governmental organisations that render themselves to
foreign countries as tools for use in pushing alien agendas against their
own people take them out of the pathway of the revolution so that our
people have only one source of direction, their Government, into the future
and not other powers that push their own interests before the interests of
Zimbabweans. And wait a minute. Now let us reverse the bromide as a litmus
test of the West’s genuine concern for humanity, all humanity.

The West spends lots of money on “binoculars” to scan and magnify stys in
the eyes of Africans and other, developing nations, while its centuries-old
prejudices neglects swaying oaks in the West’s own eyes that obscure
sometimes blatant violate the rights of blacks and of other minorities
resident in the so-called civilised countries.

Africans who have visited, studied or worked in Western countries are often
shocked by their deplorable living conditions in ghettoes synonymous with
animal cages after those souls of the royal black race were created away in
ships to provide cheap labour as slaves in the West.

That Zimbabweans and other Africans elsewhere on the continent do not fund
bodies abroad to oversee the rights of the descendants of African slaves
does not in anyway mean that Africa is no less concerned about the plight
of our blood brothers and sisters, which is incomparable with the luxurious
life styles of European settlers on the continent and about whose human
rights we hear constant.

Let us go a step further and demonstrate the existential, holier than thou
nature of those in the West. When lives are violently lost in small nations
Lilliputian political leaders are hauled before a Western-constituted
International Criminal Court to answer charges of crimes against humanity.

On the other hand, when Western armies massacre poor people in Africa and
Libya is an example here in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, the holy
political Gullivers as commanders-in-chief get away with crimes against

This pen in no way condones crimes against humanity committed in weaker
On the contrary, it questions the use of two different scales to weigh the
same types of crimes and condemns the double standards implicit in the
application of justice.
But not to worry too much the in due course the sun will turn dark and the
moon bloody to herald the advent of true justice.
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