*Hello Ugandan Doctors!*
*What is your advice regarding Swine Flu caccines and others?*
*How is the Ugandan Minister of Health handling this matter?*
*Everyone have an enjoyable new week!
*Assumpta Mary Kintu
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: WC Douglass, M.D. <realhea...@healthiernews.com>
Date: Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 7:15 AM
Subject: Daily Dose - Swine flu vaccine recalled

     Daily Dose with William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.*
You have received this e-mail because our records indicate that you signed
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*The real key to curing cancer...
Wipe out the STEALTH DISEASE lurking behind it!*

It's arguably the most shocking revelation in history...The discovery shook
even the most seasoned doctors to their very core.

But the truth is, cancer isn't actually what kills most cancer patients

Even more astounding--this monumental discovery goes back to the 1970s when
former U.S. Air Force doctor Joseph Gold uncovered the REAL killer, a
condition that no one in the medical field was even talking about!

That's right--the real culprit behind 3 out of every 4 cancer deaths isn't
cancer at all. No! It's a syndrome you've probably never even heard of. And
if you or someone you love is battling cancer...

You can't afford to ignore it!

And you definitely can't afford to ignore what could very well be the only
natural compound that stops this stealth killer in its tracks...


*Bad batch proves shots not safe*

Let's stop pretending: There's no way in hog heaven these swine flu vaccines
are safe.

Need more proof? Look north – at least one Canadian is dead and dozens of
others are recovering from severe allergic reactions to the vaccine.

Many of those cases were linked to GlaxoSmithKline's Arepanrix swine flu
vaccine, which prompted a recall of 172,000 doses. But by the time word got
out, all but 15,000 had been used.

If you already rolled up your sleeve in Canada – too bad. Just be glad
you're still alive to read about it.

Plenty of victims have suffered from anaphylaxis, a potentially deadly
reaction that includes breathing problems, low blood pressure and swelling
of the throat, tongue, lips and eyes.

Arepanrix appears to be especially bad — even by the low standards of poorly
tested swine flu vaccines. GlaxoSmithKline's own data shows that more that 1
in 10 patients experience pain, headache, fatigue, swelling, shivering,
sweating, aching muscles and joint pain. And 1 in 10 will develop diarrhea,
swollen lymph nodes, fever, feeling sick, bruising and itching.

We're facing a pandemic all right – but it's not from the flu. If they
succeed in poking everyone, the real health crisis will come from all those
bad drug reactions.

Recently, I told you about the patients who developed Guillain-Barre
syndrome after their swine flu shots, and some people who even keeled over
after getting these "safe" vaccines. Click here to read "Swine flu swindle
in full 

I mean c'mon – they're playing us for saps, and we're falling for it. So
far, 22 million Americans have been conned into lining up for these
dangerous needles like parents camped out at a store for a hot Christmas

But at least we know the crummy economy won't dampen the holiday spirits of
one group of elites living high on the hog: Big Pharma fat cats and their
accomplice docs who distribute these shots like candy canes at a Christmas

Merry Christmas, and a $15 co-pay, please.

 *The hottest sex of your life -- at any age -- with this little pink secret

You're about to discover the easy, lightning-fast secret to the steamiest
bedroom sessions you've had in years. This sexual breakthrough is three ways
more powerful than any performance booster you may have tried -- and it's
ready to rocket your sex life to new heights. So who cares if it's pink?
With your all-night stamina -- she certainly won't.

Discover this new breakthrough for the anytime, anywhere sex you desire.

Keep reading...


*Don't believe the hype: Soy can't cure cancer*

Soy represents a $4 billion industry built on the filthiest lies and the
flimsiest so-called science – including the latest nonsense.

A new study claims a lipid in soy can help fight colon cancer. That's led to
the usual wave of nonsensical headlines that might make you think soy is
already a proven cancer cure.

But hold the tofu – because the only thing soy is proven to do is make you
sicker and weaker... and if you're male, it'll make you less of a man, too.

The new study, published in the journal Cancer Research, finds that
sphingadienes give fruit flies some kind of protection from mutant cancer
cells. And because soy contains this lipid, they're drawing the conclusion
that soy fights cancer.


This isn't a conclusion – it's massive leap of logic.

Not only is it highly unlikely that soy will cure anything, let alone
cancer, but this junk is about as dangerous a substance that's ever been
sold as food.

Soy contains hormones that mimic estrogen. They do such a good job of it,
your body even thinks it's estrogen.

That's why soy products have been linked to breast cancer in women, and
prostate problems and sexual dysfunction in men. Research has also found a
connection to heart disease, allergies, compromised immune systems, thyroid
problems, nutritional deficiencies and digestive problems.

And all the whacked-out vegans and hippy health-food nuts who swear by soy
are clearly eating too much of it – because another one of its side effects
is declining mental function.

Here's what you need to know about colon cancer: Catch it early, and you're
fine, no tofu necessary. Colonoscopies are one of the few reliable cancer
screening tests. If you're due for one, get it done – and if you care at all
about staying healthy, skip the soy.

Tossing the tofu into the trash,

William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

 *Beware of America's Vitamin D Fraud *

Vitamin D is cramming renowned medical journals with amazing anti-aging
studies... But before you take your next vitamin D supplement, you must
discover the two *dirty little secrets* behind many of today's most popular
vitamin D sources.

Avoid the fraud and discover a true vitamin D hero that delivers real
anti-aging miracles...

Keep reading...


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