I am having a hard time beleiving the writter of the letter copied herebelow. On analysing it carefully, I come with the following facts about the writer and "his" intentions:
a- the writer is a man, not a woman as "he" wanted us to beleive from "his" signature. The diflection of "his" tone is macho. Add to that the use of the verbs are masculine not feminine.
b-The approach to the issue of suffering has more of a "manly" feeling without a tone of lady feeling.
c-His logic of arguement is more militaristic than a politician's. That means he must served in the military or some kind of security organ.
d- Obviously the man is not a northerner or of Luo decent, say by the undertone of his language (although he seems to have quiet a handy knowledge of the north). His spelling or the area he has referred to do not have the Luo twang in them.
e-And finally, the topic he has choosen to talk about is misconstrued and missed the point.
So members, the guys are hurting and they are now coming out even in comuflage and identity theft tactics.
Obote apologists mistaken

I just can’t understand why so many Obote apologists have sprung up of late.
Many of them are quick to absolve former president Milton Obote from the Luweero massacres by arguing that Obote was defending the country! This is a deeply painful insult to the people of Luweero; especially the ones who lost loved ones. A leader of a country certainly does not defend his country by killing the very people he is supposed to defend.

Neither will I buy the argument that the majority of the Luweero people died in crossfires between UNLA forces and NRA. Available evidence indicates that there was a deliberate policy of reprisal against entire villages whenever it was suspected that the rebels had any kind of contact with those villages.

We have had other similar insurgencies in Uganda during the present regime. A case in point is the ADF insurgency in the West. Until it came to an end, never did we witness any kind of reprisal or massacre car ried out by the government forces, it was always the insurgents who meted out atrocities.

The only blemishes on the otherwise clean UPDF record are the POW deaths at Mukura, Burcoro and Kasese. And typical of the NRA/UPDF code of conduct, the culprits in all those incidents were arrested and brought to book.
I know of no court martial that was carried out against any UNLA officer or man for human rights violations during the UPC administration.

Obote himself should stop trying to fool the country. The citizens of Luweero very well knew who was their tormentor. Had it to have been the NRA as he wants us to believe, the citizens of Luweero would easily have detected it and the elite amongst them would have brought it to the international limelight.

Right now the people in the north of Uganda are very much aware that it’s the LRA that’s abducting, killing and maiming them.
The cries for Obote’s pardon are completely misplaced. Those clamoring for Obote’s p ardon would like to hide him behind the amnesty being extended to the rebels.
Obote should not now come out of the blue and shield himself from prosecution by pleading that the amnesty should be extended to him. Let him be tried for the crimes he committed.

Frankline Auma



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