The question become what can a handful of the so called " Isreali trained Commandos" accomplished which the 40,000 strong UPDF troops deployed in Northern and Eastern Uganda could not accomplish in 20 years!!!!!!
Uganda: Commando Battalion To Fight Rebels

The Monitor
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Oketch Bitek
THE Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Gen. Yoweri Museveni, has ordered the formation of a commando battalion to fight the Lord's Resistance Army rebels, the regional army spokesman has said.
In a press release dated June 30, Lt Chris Magezi said Museveni ordered the formation of the battalion on June 28.
"The Commander -in- Chief of the UPDF, Gen. Yoweri Museveni, has ordered the formation of a commando battalion to be known as the First Commando Battalion," Magezi said in the release.
"The battalion, the first of its kind in the UPDF, will be comprised of troops trained by the best commandos in the world such as Israelis."
The troops will be based in Bar - Legi in Otuke County, Lira district where, a new barracks will be constructed
Sources said a Presidential Guard Brigade officer, Capt. Noel Mwesigye, will head the battalion.
Magezi said the new development was in line with the professionalisation of the army.
"This is in line with the continued professionalisation of the UPDF and the commandos will support regular UPDF troops to deal with any threats especially LRA remnants, Karimojong warriors and terrorists," he said.
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However, the formation of the battalion to fight LRA rebels comes at a time when the government has sent a team to Southern Sudan capital Juba for peace talks with the rebels.
The Ugandan team arrived in Juba yesterday for preliminary talks with LRA negotiators meant to largely agree on modalities for the proposed peace talks.
Internal Affairs Minister Ruhakana Rugunda led the team

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