June 06, 2006: New UN Special Envoy for Children in Conflict Visits Northern Uganda

William Bionx Akena, Uganda-CAN news correspondent in Gulu, reports -

The United Nations Special Envoy for Children in Conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy is visiting northern Uganda only two months into her appointment. Speaking yesterday at the UNOHCR offices in Gulu, she said that her visit to Uganda would help her to push for UN Security Council action to help end the conflict and protect children. She said demobilization and disarmament of child soldiers is the biggest issue facing her role as the UN envoy.

In a meeting with her, James Otto, director of Human Rights Focus in Gulu, said the plight of children in northern Uganda has been largely ignored by the UN Security Council. Otto asked how the UN can ignore the continued rape, abduction and defilement of Acholi sons and daughters. Coomaraswamy said she would meet today with President Museveni to discuss effective UN action.

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