Full government statement
  The attention of Rwanda Government has been drawn to the fact that the 
  French Magistarate Jean Louis Bruguière is about to issue indictments 
  against senior Rwandan government military officers under the allegations 
  that they shot down former President Habyarimana’s plane leading to the 
  death of 3 French citizens.
  Government would like to make it categorically clear that there is no basis 
  whatsoever to these allegations. It appears to government that this is an 
  attempt to intimidate Rwanda using strong arm tactics and to use the 
  superpower position to hide the truth of France’s involvement in the 
  Genocide. It also is an unfortunate attempt to pre-empt the findings of a 
  Commission set up in Rwanda to investigate the role of France in the 1994 
  Rwanda Genocide.
  This is not the first time that some in French official circles have 
  designed a plan to hide their known responsibility in the genocide of 1994. 
  Under the guise of judicial independence, Magistrate Bruguière working 
  together with other French organs of the state have organized genocide 
  denials and revisionists and have provided them a platform for their 
  political agenda and propaganda.
  It is well known that France actively supported the Genocide and armed and 
  fought along side the forces that committed genocide in Rwanda. When they 
  faced imminent defeat she intervened through Operation Turquoise to save 
  them from total defeat and to preserve them so they can fight another day. 
  There are strong indications that some in the French official circles were 
  involved in the military and political reorganization of these genocidal 
  Rwanda is owed an explanation as to what the French citizens who perished in 
  Habyarimana’s plane were doing in Rwanda in company of the planners and 
  authors of the Genocide, given the fact these were French military officers 
  on a mission to Rwanda during the planning and execution phase of the 
  Government believes that France’s role needs to be fully investigated and 
  fully exposed. This is why it set up the commission to investigate the role 
  of France in these events. The work of this Commission is expected to 
  clarify the role of individuals in the French establishment played, and 
  whether their activities are criminally indictable. Understandably, such a 
  prospect has made many in certain French circles extremely worried.
  Judge Bruguière’s reported attempt to indict the Rwandan officials is aimed 
  at diverting international opinion from the emerging clarity about therole of 
France. Moreover it is unprecedented in the history of judicial 
  proceedings for investigation, indictment and all processes to be carried 
  out and concluded outside of the country where the crime is alleged to have 
been committed.
  It is absurd that a foreign judge could issue an indictment against 
  officials of a sovereign state for crimes committed on the soil of that 
  sovereign state without going through either diplomatic channels or judicial 
  institutions of that sovereign state. This political game and drama in 
  judicial matters is a dangerous path and is inimical to international law 
  and order. Those involved are advised to desist from it.
  Done in Kigali, Rwanda
                    November 21, 2006.
                              Posted on the web  by

                 Sharangabo Rufagari 


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