MDC’s paper on de-Zanufication: A threat to peace and stability
October 15, 2013 Opinion &
[image: Tendai Biti (left) and Morgan

Tendai Biti (left) and Morgan Tsvangirai

*By Panganai Kahuni*

*.......To Zanu-PF I say the landslide victory must inspire you not to
sinking into smug complacency and taking for granted that time is on your
side and that because history is with you then total Independence of
Zimbabwe will fall into our hands like a ripe mango. The forces arrayed
against Zimbabwe are formidable, entrenched and powerful. Thus every cadre
must be alert on every second......*

COLONIAL rule left most of the African people poverty-stricken and
disease-ridden while enormous quantities of mineral and agricultural wealth
were drained out of Africa and particularly Zimbabwe year- in and year-out.
>From the labours of black people, vast profits were wrung for industrial
and financial monopolies. Legislation turned millions of Africans into
helots in their motherland thereby threatening African peace and security.

Various attempts to manipulate the truth were made by the West using
political surrogates and neo-liberal academics but it dismally failed.

The MDC de-Zanufication of Zimbabwe concept paper master minded by Tendai
Biti with the aid of foreign security agents was brought to a grinding halt
by the July 31 2013 elections that sent both MDC formations to the cleaners.

Zanu-PF reminded Zimbabweans about the dreadful things and monstrous wrongs
the West inflicted on Zimbabweans through the satanic illegal economic
sanctions. People responded positively to the revolutionary party’s call
and rejected the de-Zanufication of Zimbabwe and its institutions.

The MDC formations’ political philosophy is that of continuing a jack-boot
system which keeps the Africans at the hewer-of-wood and drawer-of-water
level. MDC rejected land reform and indigenization of the economy in search
of de-Zanufication and de-revolutionalising Zimbabwe.

Africa’s former colonial masters, especially Europe are of the habit of
creating puppets amongst us who eagerly demonstrate their affinity with the
European cultures and philosophies from which they can cut off only harmful
results to Zimbabwean destiny.

Let the neo-liberals MDC formations know that it will take all the tricks
of expurgation and the greatest manipulation of the truth ever fashioned to
wipe out pages of history. This also goes to the pseudo Pan-Africanist

To Zanu-PF I say the landslide victory must inspire you not to sinking into
smug complacency and taking for granted that time is on your side and that
because history is with you then total Independence of Zimbabwe will fall
into our hands like a ripe mango. The forces arrayed against Zimbabwe are
formidable, entrenched and powerful. Thus every cadre must be alert on
every second.

Every Zanu-PF cadre must know that the West operates in Worldwide
combinations at all levels: political, economic, military, cultural and
through intelligence and information services.  They operate from European,
American and African centers, using agents who are unpatriotic sons of
Zimbabwe, buying personal satisfactions with betrayal of their country’s
peace, safety and integrity.

The West seduces leaders of political trade unions, civil societies and
human rights groups to create rifts and quarrels within the national
fronts. The country was brought to abyss by the West using its local
surrogates (the MDC formations) which inherited Western culture of violence.

Fellow Zimbabweans, this writer was on sabbatical in Ghana where I came
across peace literature from Dr Kwame Nkrumah. I now know peace and will
always write about peace, speak peace, walk peace, breath peace, sleep
peace and smile peace.

I have become a peace ambassador who will always write about peace as a
peace ambassador for peace to prevail. Peace breeds prosperity, peace
builds wealth, peace houses wisdom and visionary thinking that radiate in
human kind.

Peace is an epoch of creating economic wealth and forbids mankind from
being corrupt, greed and selfish. In peace there is humanism and

Having talked about the de-Zanufication of Zimbabwe concept document by
Tendai Biti I now ask the following questions: Did anyone ever ask what the
de-Zanufication was meant to do to Zimbabwe and its people?

Were the security organs in this country ever aware of the origins of this
de-Zanufication concept?
If they did were they ever serious about its ramifications?

This writer got the roots of its genesis in the literature books of Dr
Kwame Nkrumah in Ghana.
After reading the genesis of such reactionary works that continue to haunt
Africa today I declared myself a student of Saint (Dr) Kwame Nkrumah and
shall die writing about peace as the soul of Africa St (Dr) Nkrumah did.

I should like to believe that the need for preserving and maintaining peace
and humanism is what motivates pan-Africanists such as Cde Mugabe to be
brave, courageous, people centered and always principled in empowering the
poor. Peace is paramount and dear to their hearts.

Fellow Zimbabweans, what I learned about St Nkrumah during my sabbatical
stay in Ghana was highly immeasurable. St (Dr) Nkrumah believed in
industrialization, indigenisation and value addition of Ghanaian resources
with an objective of creating wealth that benefited the poor thereby
building a strong foundation for peace.  During his tenure of office he
constructed the World’s largest dam (Akosombo) on the Volta River. He
further constructed huge silos for storing cocoa in order to control
falling market prices of cocoa on the international market.

Akosombo dam produced electricity that ignited Industrial growth while
silos warehoused capital for industrial expansion.  In his wisdom of peace
St (Dr) Nkrumah enunciated a strong education policy and developed human
capital that was skilled to run the Industrial programmes that he was
putting in place.

Schools and Universities flourished in Ghana as a result of sound
leadership of St Nkrumah. Fellow Zimbabwean do you see any correlationships
in Nkrumah’s visionary thinking with Cde Mugabe.

Does something ring in you about the Zanu-PF indigenisation and empowerment
Fellow citizens, this is what Nkrumah wanted in his 60 percent
indigenisation strategy. In 1966 Dr Nkrumah built a gold refining Industry
which was sadly left a 95 percent completion as a result of a military coup
by the American backed Colonel Kotoka.

Does anything ring in your mind about the American back MDC formations and
their regime change agenda? St (Dr) Nkrumah established an atomic energy
research centre at the University of Ghana with a view of generating energy
that he felt would help in his Industrialisation strategy.

I should want to think this was a precursor for Americans to topple him
using an African surrogate military man; the power hungry Kotoka.

Fellow Zimbabweans, do you see a symbolism of terror between Kotoka, and
the violent MDC formations?
Today the cocoa silos are growing grass and the gold refining industry is

Shame UN, Shame America, Shame EU and Shame Britain. St Nkrumah must be
celebrated as Africa’s political grandmaster; a fearless visionary who
defended African values aimed at making Africa a “great continent”.

On 23rd September 2013 whilst watching Ghana TV3 I got shocking news of my
Several University of Ghana Professors were interviewed on whether there
was any President in Ghana that was close to the people and ever built any
meaningful developmental industry as St (Dr) Nkrumah did.  They all said
loud and clearly, ‘No’ except for the late President Mills who demonstrated
some semblance of Nkrumah’s ideological thinking.

This prompted me, as a keen student of St (Dr) Nkrumah, to explore on why
it was that bad. I found out that after the coup Ghana proclaimed an act of
parliament ‘Act 380’ that erased all about Nkrumah and banished his party.

This is why until today the gold refining industry is becoming derelict.
Does this sound any warning about what Tendai Biti meant by “MDC must
de-Zanufy Zimbabwe.  Fellow citizens, do you see how peace was going to be
sacrificed for violence if ever MDC-T had won the elections and gave back
the land to the murderous Rhodesians such as Bennet and Eddie Cross?

Do you note how Cde Mugabe’s indeginisation and black empowerment was going
to be proclaimed illegal and how it would bring anarchy through violence.

Imagine the resettled 300 000 families being told to return to their former
rural areas. Can anyone imagine peace prevailing in this country after such
horrendous activities?

Fellow Zimbabweans; citizens of the world, when God created mankind He
wanted it to enjoy peace and multiply to be as many as the sands of the
sea. God wanted “man” to live in peace and harmony; loving each other and
being neighbourly. Mankind was not created to annihilate each other but to
multiply and live in peace.

Let us all remember that peace (runyararo, ukuthula) is a preserve of
African culture. Peace is a heritagic culture of Africans enshrined in the
African philosophy of ubuntu/unhu.

Violence is a Western heritagic culture which seeks to compete with Satan
in destroying God’s precious creation: mankind.  The world must rise and
condemn this culture with the contempt it deserves.

Condemnation must also be leveled against political scientists who have
outlived their academic usefulness for Africa such as Ibbo Mandaza who
naively support the West.

In my next article I will write about how the West threatens World Peace
using weapons of mass destruction.

*Panganai Kahuni is a political socio-economic commentator*

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