Obscene sum for software development

You have heard! Local Governments setting up school buildings only to be blown 
away by wind or swept away by floods. Really, it shows a case of a country that 
has reached the lowest ebb! For the ministry of works, can’t use the cheapest 
of technologies to design, model and later distribute stronger and better 
building designs.  No they can’t!

This is a computer age, and not even a minister’s village in Ntinda has a 
proper sewer system. Now we hear, Nakasero is the new Muyenga without the most 
basic infrastructure in place for the roads, drainage or sewer, last updated by 
the colonialist. They knew what we don’t know!

What the executive would have done, is to get an architect design a Nakasero 
landscape and put in all possible scenarios to get a real time feeling of what 
reality would be, Nakasero turning out to be what it will be into the future. 
It is the remaining green in the city.

Lugogo is gone for super markets as if such markets could not be located in 
better places!

Nakasero today is a commercial area from a residential area, politician 
ignoring technical advice because they knew better! The buildings here have the 
worst architectural designs, I have ever seen -its to whom it may concern.

Falling classrooms, the works ministry can’t develop simple software to measure 
wind force, or water pressure if that is the problem, cement and sand mixture 
to offer free to contractors. The problem is deeper though, save for 
illuminating the impossibility of the modernisation of the Africa.

The approximate total sum of all moneys that has gone to foreign companies to 

a.      NSSF
b.      Warehouse registry
c.      Bank of Uganda data system
d.      Driving Permits 
e.      National Identity Card
f.      Public Service Commission Registry
g.      Local Government Computer System
h.      Financial Computerised system (planning ministry)
i.      Soldiers pay roll system (defence ministry)
j.      Land title registry
k.      Company registry
l.      Birth and death certificate registry
m.      Vehicle licensing registry (ura)
n.      Tax /revenue Registry (ura)
o.      Voters card registry

As far as I have read, none of the above system is nationwide or for that 
matter services the country at large!

It is an obscene sum if you can imagine it developing software using foreign 
entities. Really, developing countries are very interesting but so-called 
politicians are more than a disaster. 

Modernisation is a song, for no one in government sees a need to stop the 
country from financial haemorrhage. 

And very few Ugandans if any, have been involved in practical development of 
above software system and basic infrastructure. Now, how do you maintain and 
later run a software on a national level, you never development and is not 
synchronised with various crucial departments?

Ugandans have been ferried around the world to go and acquire different 
competences in maintaining and running different software.

The above task will squarely lie with Uganda Computer services and Makerere 
University Institute of Computer sciences. Makerere I hear is a government 
funded higher education institution. 

Take an example of Tax/revenue, Business registry and National Identify 
Card/Driving permit 
May be those registry will have been synchronised – are they and we know they 
are not!

Take land titles and ground rents registry – those registers will be reconciled 
but we know they are not.

The same goes with road licensing of vehicle and physically registering 
vehicles – these registers will be run along tax databases. We know that might 
not be the case as recent Interpol stolen car cases revealed.   

To me if Kampala is a slum and politicians feel well about it, and that Uganda 
since independence has never developed a single town centre, is no longer a 
strange phenomenon –they are Africans.




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