Putin: Russia will not get involved in arms race
 Published time: September 10, 2014 12:33
Edited time: September 10, 2014 14:45
Get short URL <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/>
 [image: AFP Photo/Byambasuren Byamba-Ochir]

AFP Photo/Byambasuren Byamba-Ochir

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Russia is not going to get involved in a new arms race, President Vladimir
Putin said as he ordered his government to work out “balanced and
realistic” defense strategy for 2016 through 2025.

*“Someone really wants to unleash a new arms race,”* Russia’s president
said at a meeting with senior defense industry officials. *“We, of course,
are not going to be involved in this race.”*

Putin tasked the defense industry to work out a new military doctrine by
December. His comments came a week after Russia said Sept. 2 it would review
the doctrine <http://rt.com/news/184376-russia-military-doctrine-nato/>, in
response to NATO announcing its intentions to expand in Eastern Europe amid
Ukrainian crisis.
‘Ukrainian crisis provoked by the West to resuscitate NATO’

Speaking about the situation in Ukraine, Putin blamed Western countries for
the bloody conflict in the southeastern regions of the country.

*“Recently, as you know, NATO has decided to build up its forces in Eastern
Europe. The crisis in Ukraine, which was, in fact, provoked and created by
some of our Western partners, is now used for the resuscitation of this
military bloc,"* he said.

All the actions Russia is taking are retaliatory measures of self-defense,
Putin said.

*“We have been repeatedly saying, warning that we will have to, exactly
have to, take appropriate retaliatory measures to ensure our security,”*
Putin said. *“We have said many times that it would be very desirable to
avoid excessive hysterics when these decisions will be finally accepted and
will be implemented. I want to emphasize that everything we do, is only
retaliatory measures,”* he added.

At the end of August, NATO announced its plans
<http://rt.com/news/183064-nato-rasmussen-europe-russia/> to bring its
forces closer to Russian borders, specifically to the three Baltic States –
Latvia <http://rt.com/news/185692-nato-military-drills-latvia/>, Lithuania
and Estonia – as the situation in Ukraine showed no signs of improvement.
NATO’s expansion was the key topic
<http://rt.com/uk/184956-nato-summit-wales-2014/> of discussions at the
alliance’s summit <http://rt.com/uk/184944-nato-summit-live-updates/> in
Wales at the end of last week.

Russia warned that NATO’s progress towards the east and Ukraine, which the
military bloc sees as a potential member
<http://rt.com/news/184845-ukraine-obama-nato-membership/>, will trigger a
strong reaction.

'We will react to NATO build-up!' Key Putin quotes from defense policy
address <http://rt.com/news/174768-putin-security-nato-ukraine/>

In July, Putin said that NATO’s military build-up near Russia’s borders,
which includes the US-built missile defense system, is not just for
defensive purposes, but is an *“offensive weapon”* and an *“element of the
US offensive system deployed outside the mainland.”*

Responding to NATO’s intentions last week, Russia’s envoy to the alliance,
Aleksandr Grushko, indicated that this will be *“taken into consideration”*
in Russia’s military planning.
 by Taboola
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   - 547 comments <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>


   - <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>Kaj Bergman
   0 <http://b.cackle.me/comment/13017671/vote/up>
   "Russia will not get involved in arms race" says Putin and what does he
   do? Tests Intercontinental missile that can deliver a nuclear warhead that
   is 100 times bigger tha nHiroshima....WHAT A FUCKING HYPOCITE! HE IS
   just now <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#mc-13017671>
   Reply <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>
   - <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>Ulysses Sam Smith
   +1 <http://b.cackle.me/comment/13017628/vote/up>
   Well I'll give president for life putian credit for "not getting into a
   arms race" the U.S. bankrupted the idiot soviet union once with that trick
   so good for him not to be another Russian idiot.
   just now <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#mc-13017628>
   Reply <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>
   - <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>George
   +1 <http://b.cackle.me/comment/13017555/vote/up>
   Putin is right on this one. There is no way Russia can compete in any
   arms race with either the EU or US, much less both combined. It just is not
   economically possible, so better off not to try.
   2 minutes ago
   - <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>Lilly OfTheValley
   +2 <http://b.cackle.me/comment/13017323/vote/up>
   What has NATO done to Russia? Not a darn thing. EXCEPT, allow free
   thinking countries, tired of communist or Russian rule, to govern
   themselves through democracy; to use, I know I'm gonna hear it for this
   one, capitalism as a way to get their citizens as a way to engage their
   economy and be productive and finally, to join NATO and get out from under
   the Russian thumb. None of former USSR countries, that Russia took over by
   force after the 2nd world war, to my knowledge, has threatened or slighted
   Russia in any way. NATO has not threatened Russia.
   6 minutes ago
   - <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>Lilly OfTheValley
   -1 <http://b.cackle.me/comment/13017155/vote/up>
   The so-called Nuland evidence consists of a phone call where she
   expressed preferences among the Ukrainian opposition and a speech where she
   mentioned that the US has given $5 billion to Ukrainian NGOs from
   1992-2014. That has been misrepresented as Nuland spending $5 billion to
   pick the Maidan government. NATO is a defensive alliance that is composed
   of members that have freely chosen to join. There is nothing aggressive
   about its expansion. If Putin is afraid of NATO, he needs to see a shrink.
   10 minutes ago
   - <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>gerald geaf
      0 <http://b.cackle.me/comment/13017386/vote/up>
      What was NATO defending in Libya and now in Syria? Who is the NATO
      member that was under attack in those countries. Self-defense means
      fighting within your borders - the attacker has to be coming to you. When
      you go to th other person and strike first,then you are the attacker.
      5 minutes ago
      - <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>Scott Judge
   +1 <http://b.cackle.me/comment/13017127/vote/up>
   Wake up sheeple the only person in the European region not to jump when
   America says jump is Putin you all need to wake up instead of believing
   these murdering warmongers who invade country's on false flag operations
   just for profit. If Putin came to power through corruption what about Barry
   soetoro from Kenya.
   11 minutes ago
   - <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>nonyank
   +4 <http://b.cackle.me/comment/13017078/vote/up>
   Fortunately Putin will not allow Russia to make the same mistakes over
   and over like the US, the US reminds me of the village idiot that keeps
   running into the brick wall never thinking he could go around it. The US
   clearly has no direction and has been terrorizing the world trying to find
   its place and purpose as it flails away with one failure after the other,
   Russia is doing the smart thing, protect itself and its interests from the
   village idiot while moving forward leaving the idiot and the like to burn
   12 minutes ago
   - <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>Mac Mickey
   +1 <http://b.cackle.me/comment/13016982/vote/up>
   The western nations are all subservient to international bankers which
   had taken over control of their state central banks. This was the reason
   for the two world wars. Ask yourself why would a country have to borrow
   money at interest when they have their own national treasury department?
   Its globalization of international bankers at any human cost. There are a
   few countries left which do have control of their own state central bank,
   like Russia. When Russian businesses borrow money at interest from their
   state own central bank, the interest goes back into the Russian national
   coffers. If Russia lost control of their central bank, and international
   banks gained control, then the interest on loans would go off shore outside
   of the country. Of course Russia would have to tax their population to make
   these interest payments to off shore international bankers. Now why would
   they want to do that... pay interest on debt to foreign international
   bankers, just like the Americans and European slaves do? If Russia were to
   take on international loans to run their government, they would quickly be
   in debt owing trillions. Russia may have to use their vast natural
   resources, and the ability to tax their population as collateral, which the
   IMF requires from other nations greatly in debt to the IMF or World Bank.
   The international bankers have no choice but to force the nations they
   control by horrendous debt, to overthrow the Russian government, and take
   over Russia's central bank. Now they can exploit the Russian people by
   forcing them into becoming debt slaves to these foreign bankers, and work
   them to death to pay back loans which they had nothing to do with, and can
   never pay off in their life time... or their children's life time. Our
   future... perpetual debt slaves forever. All this... only for some
   globalist bankers, owned by Family Trust Funds, so they can live in a vast
   stately residence... and buy their little girl a pony on her birthday.
   13 minutes ago
   - <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>mega-fidel
   -3 <http://b.cackle.me/comment/13016832/vote/up>
   Enough, the shills are out. I don't need this hysterical baloney filled
   with racist comments and nonsensical opinions. I'll be back. Meanwhile the
   shills should try looking through a glass onion.
   15 minutes ago
   - <http://rt.com/news/186712-putin-russia-arms-race/#>civilSoldier
   0 <http://b.cackle.me/comment/13016742/vote/up>
   an arms race of conventional weapons with usa america would be accepting
   the rules of the enemy. there should be a psychological thinking progress
   in warfare doctrine about small tactical nuclear weapons. i think they are
   a very legitime response capacity. the psychological barrier of using them
   is accepting fake moral codes of the enemy. the second thing is to
   establisch more automatic launch programms like perimeter - automatism
   which starts without outer control massive assaults to western capitals.
   (similar to israeli samson doctrine) when the system recognizes an assailt
   17 minutes ago
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