Annual General Meeting

Tri Star

Speech by M.D, Mr. Gananathan:

Board of Directors and Shareholders of Tri Star,

Our Audited Financial statements for the last three yeras have been certified by Salim Saleh, Certified Fraud Star.. I mean Examiner.

The company has earned $12m in the last 3 years. Total expenses amount to $20m. There was no net loss because Uganda has made a name in USA. In fact we made a big contribution or rather profits because the venture has profiteered the important stake holders.Our responsibility was to the stake holders, to miximize their earnings per directive made.

Notes attached to the Audited Financial Statements:

1. Armotization: There was no armotization to Fixed Assets because: LAnd and buildings belongs to peasant Coffee farmers who contributed by being taxed on their coffee produce.The Chairman,as a trustee, donated this land and buildings to the Company. Machery was not depreciated because it was bought from Loans that were guaranteed by Bank of Uganda through the trustee\ Chairman.The guarantor is so happy that he forgave the loans and will pay from money saved from Buganda Kingdom Assets plus taxes on Bankubakyeyo remitances. Lastly, the Auditors have recommended not to armotize any other Assets because the company is in "no going concern" category.

2. A dividend of $12m has been declared and paid out in foreign currency to the stake holders.

3. Liquidity has never been a problem even in these tight monetary policies. We've outcompeted our local competitors thanks to our Chairman who is also the Trustee to the Privatization consolidated fund. This fund is idle and belongs to nobody.
end of speech.

4. 95% of the Current assets are Inventory in transit. Lots of bales of cotton have been imported from SriLanka and Abacha family. On arrival to Kisumu port, the bales will be transported by Uganda ferry whose risk assessment level is "red" because its not insured.

Chairman's report:

I the Chairman of tri Star, owuld like to thank the management of Tri Star for the work well done. 1st,The company earned 12m, I repeat: 12m in the last 3 years! Moreover from USA! Thats Historical! This has put Uganda on the map by saling that much to USA! 2ndly, 1500 girls were trainied by this investor, Gananathan. Now we have a pool of skilled labour. Moreover the company created a surplus of 1300 skilled girls who are now idle and ready to work. we've made a name! We can now boast of having a skilled labour market that can make garments of high international standards. Among the achievements, Uganda has the biggest market for Mivumba.Imagine some of these mivumba from USA have labels "made in Uganda, by Try Star" Thats a big of publicity!

You know those countries are cold and people must wear cotton fabrics. We have hot weather, thats why many of our rural peasants have wear clothes with holes in the Southern Uganda, and no clothes in hot Karamoja! Beech ware and sunbathing is throught the year.

The company's next strategy is to clear the remaining Mabira forest, Entebbe Botanical gardens, Bwindi and Kiryadongo forests to plant more cotton and graze more cattle. A Developed Uganda must be grey, like NewYork City. When these white people see lots of green trees they think we sleep on trees.

Enjoy your Xmas dear members.


Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Re: Museveni defends forest allocation
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 21:15:36 -0500

 Mw Musoke

Your statement about Obote's move to the left is called a "straw man" argument. In order to buttress a weak position, you have constructed a feeble rhetorical opponent which you then proceed to knock down.

 Be assured, Mr Musoke, the move to the left was never worth discussing.

What Ugandans should examine in this matter is the industrial and commercial policy adopted by Governor Cohen in the early 1950s, which was followed by the Uganda govt up to 1965. This policy was based on the fact that the govt, combining legislative power with being the biggest purchaser, can encourage the formation and progress of strong local enterprises. These enterprises can be publicly owned, private, or a combination of the two, but they must be locally based, because locally based wealth is the key to a strong local market. Cohen's model organisation, the Uganda Development Corporation, was designed to float enterprises and sell them off to private ownership as rapidly as possible through a stock market (believe it or not, Uganda had a functioning stock market from 1954 to 1972).

The UDC's progress was halted when the govt started to use it as a source of patronage jobs in the early 60s, but the model of growth by government nurture is the basis of the success of Singapore (the champion of progress from Third to First World in a generation), China (the largest number of humans pulled out of poverty in their lifetime in human history) and South Africa, the only African economy that deals on the world stage as a non-beggar.

As I've said repeatedly, respect the intelligence of your interlocutors. Do declare your support for Museveni-a matter of opinion. Do declare that he is "the only one who can hold Uganda together" -a question on which we could intelligently disagree. But do not pretend that he is a halfway decent economical manager, he ain't, not even by his own standards-read the founding documents of the NRM. If you read his comments on the TriStar affair in today's papers you might notice that he does not grasp the difference between revenue and profit!

 Gundi e Gindi


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