Very silly and misleading article!
  "Dependency" has always been in economics when it comes to Africa, due to 
lack of production engendered by armies of illiterates and unskilled manpower!
  To give Gacaca as an example of breaking free from dependency is utter 
  Further, the writer claims Rwanda is borrowing but at a minimum! Should 
readers take his word for it, or they need concrete proofs?

gr akanga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Am green with envy!

Rwanda Govt breaks dependency syndrome

RWANDA's attempts to break the dependence syndrome, which has hampered
most African countries development, could have paid off.

Thirteen years after the 1994 genocide that devastated this tiny
central African country, the Kigali leadership has pushed an economic,
social and political growth that depends largely on home-made

Although the issue of borrowing continues to play a role, as the case
is in all global markets, in Rwanda, it has become reasonably minimal.
The country is shifting towards utilizing all her resources, human and
material to solve development chancellor. The government is working
hard to involve every Rwandan in the reconstruction task without
relying on foreign expertise.

Immediately after the ruling Rwanda Patriotic Front/Army had captured
power in 1994, after the bush war struggle that put an end to the
debacle in which over million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were
massacred, the most urgent task was to build trust among Rwandans, and
reconcile them.

The RPF government bonded victims and culprits that had participated
in genocide and encouraged them to live in harmony again. Among
confidence building strategies was the institution of a National Unity
and Reconciliation Commission. The commission has engaged Rwandans of
all walks of life in the country and in the Diaspora on how to rebuild
their own motherland.

Most of the Rwandan professionals had either died or fled the country,
while those that were steering national policies were often
inexperienced. Now the RPF-led government of President Paul Kagame has
continued to reject the idea that, as a people emerging out of
conflict, others should conceive and design systems, processes and
strategies for Rwanda.

Mr Kagame has always made his view very clear on this matter that in
any event, a development programme that is conceived and executed by
external actors is unsustainable in the long run.

Gacaca system
A classical illustration of a home grown policy is the Gacaca court
system which addressed genocide cases that would require a lot of time
and resources to be resolved.
The Gacaca system is a centuries-old Rwandan community-based justice
system in which the accused and the accuser meet in a village square,
led by a council of elders, to settle cases.

In the history of this country, it was a tool for reconciliation since
the penalties were mutually binding. In modern Rwanda, the Gacaca
court system has been modernised to handle part of the bulk of
genocide crimes -the less serious cases, while other categories of
crimes against humanity are executed by the conventional western style
However, the international community's view on this communal court
system in Rwanda is indifferent.

Sometimes the West has reacted out rightly hostile to this initiative,
arguing that Gacaca does not fit the principles of conventional court
systems. But, in his address to the African Business Leaders Forum in
Johannesburg, South Africa, recently, Mr Kagame challenged the critics
to provide an alternative to Gacaca.

"We also point to the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal
for Rwanda (ICTR). The tribunal has since 1995 tried 31 people at a
cost of over US$1 billion," he noted.

"Live what life brings; die what death comes"
M. Stewart: The Wicked Day.

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