Compare the state of UNAA today with its state when we vehemently opposed Dr Munini Mulera's taking it to Uganda and handing it over to NRM. The very same words we used are here to hunt us today. Just for the record, UNAA is the only organization created to help build refugees in Diaspora that is managed and ran by a home government. That in its self is very bizarre. A word out now is that Yoweri Museveni him self will be in Minneapolis.
Why should I burn my car at these kinds of fuel prices to go and listen to Museveni?
Just curious !!
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 10:25 PM
Subject: [Ugnet] Save UNAA From Self-Destruction!

Our beloved UNAA may be doomed, the single most discussed topic among UNAA regular convention attendees is whether UNAA is really free from partisan politics as the organization's bylaws prescribe. Many Ugandans respected and admired UNAA in its early years because effort was made by the pioneers to keep the organization non-partisan.

During the last couple of years, the political leadership in Uganda made concerted effort to infiltrate the organisation.  I am sad to say that the NRM organization has finally succeeded in taking over UNAA. The Ugandan Dictator and President-for-life, Mu7 has of recent taken a front sit when it comes to UNAA affairs and activities. Perhaps inviting Ugandan government officials to participate in UNAA annual conventions was initially done in good faith, but as you might have noticed especially during the Seattle convention; M7's machinations through his NRM stooges in North America effectively took control of UNAA.

Taking control of UNAA was no accident on the NRM's part, it was one of the key objective of Ambassador Sempala in Washington.  The Ugandan dictator feels threatened by the economic muscle of the Ugandan diaspora in North America.  To minimize this threat, the Ugandan dictator wanted  to infiltrate the diaspora community - he thinks he has a better vision for UNAA, just as he claims to be the only one to have the foresight as to what is best for Uganda.

It is disheartening to see an  international organization of repute like UNAA, aligning itself with a dictator. It is a sad commentary as to how low UNAA has sunk.  You may have asked yourself, why UNAA past officials and individuals campaigning for UNAA offices this year frequently go to the President’s office when they are in Uganda?


  1. Some UNAA past officials who attended the convention which was held at Hotel Africana in Uganda met with the President at his office. Two of these officials have kept contact with the President office. 
  1. The first President of UNAA, Dr. Frank Matovu endorsed Margaret Musoke’s ticket and even agreed to  be her running mate. That is well and good, but for his own reputation, it is highly recommendable that the good Dr. checks out the extent of his running mate's affiliation with the President’s Office. MD Musoke was recently in Uganda and was seen on more than one occasion with security intelligence Officer, Kasirye- connected to the President’s office and an official of the President office, Byaruhanga. Margaret Musoke should be open and frank with you about her activities and association with the President’s office.
  2. Preparations for UNAA 2006 convention in New York will be led by Edward Wanda. Two years ago, Edward Wanda and  Mrs. Kazibwe currently residing in Boston were  appointed Commissar for NRM in North America by the NRM Secretariat in Uganda.  Edward Wanda happens to be the current Chairman of an ineffective Uganda American Association of Greater New York (UAAGNY). The Ugandan Community of New York elected him UAAGNY chairman in good faith before the NRM secretariat appointed him an NRM commissar. The New  York community was livid that Wanda accepted the NRM position, yet  refusing  to relinquish the chairmanship of UAAGNY. Since then, Wanda has expanded his NRM patronage network disguising it as  UAAGNY work.  He made sure that NRM associates in the area, Allan Katatumba and Amooti Kazinduka were appointed on the executive. The Uganda House Building Manager and ESO operative, Abraham Muhozi is also heavily involved in ensuring that Wanda  accomplishes his mission for NRM in North America. These are the key people on different committees that will be organizing your UNAA 2006 convention. There are other sincere members on the various committees who do not seem to be aware of the NRM hidden agenda through its agents like Wanda. 
    Wanda has been to Uganda twice so far this year and each time he has spent numerous hours at the NRM secretariat. He is expected to be going back again before the end of the year.  
  3. The dictator will be staging sham elections next year, he is shopping for endorsement and credibility at home and abroad.    Will UNAA be endorsing a national political party or presidential candidate for the first time next year?  Will UNAA officers start appearing at campaign rallies to show how far and wide the support of a particular candidate or party?  Keep your eyes wide open, some UNAA officials may try to do just that.  What should be the conduct of UNAA officials, should UNAA leadership be revisited each mid-term for a vote of confidence? These and other related questions need to be honestly answered otherwise UNAA is toast! 

Wanda as an individual is entitled to his own beliefs and opinions, but when you are a leader of a non-partisan organization like UAAGNY, personal biases, beliefs and opinions should not become the Organizations'.  People appointed and entrusted him to be UAAGNY Chairman, he then decided to take on a political appointment, therefore, the Ugandan New York/New Jersey community requested him to step down, but arrogantly like his mentor, the dictator, he refused to step down. 

Cry my beloved UNAA, cry, you may not be around much longer.

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