Ugandans in the Diaspora
As people who supported the launching of UNAA, here we are today with some very good news. The NRM Branch was launched in Minneapolis. You know so much nonsense has been going on with people posting and calling us useless for we do not know what we are talking about. I took the time to exchange notes with Ssenoga and he still failed to get it.
For since we as Ugandans in Diaspora have been here, since we opposed Dr Muniini Mulera's taking UNNAA to Uganda, we have maintained one belief that will never change. We want an organization to help Ugandans who are forced to be out of Uganda. The refugees. The homeless. Those who can not say Ffe Kasita Munange twebaka. Those are the Ugandans we started that organization for. Not the Mulera's who use it to get positions from Uganda government, for we know that they can take the UNAA to NRM but if they fail to get the appointments they can flip and support Kiiza Besigye. That is the crux of the matter.
For we know that Uganda as a nation is totally fucked up and we are here to stay. So the least we can do for our children is to start an organization that can prepare them to remember what Uganda was. That is why UNAA is funded by Federal Provincial city and municipal governments and not by NRM. And as long as we have the Mulera types, the Kabwegyeres will use this organization and our kids will be the victims.
Ugandans wake up and smell the coffee.
Ladies and Gentlemen NRM opened a branch in Minneapolis.
Movement launches branch in America        
By Kisuule Magala  
Monday, 05 September 2005
NRM supporters in America have launched their branch in Minneapolis State in America where the annual Uganda North American Association (UNAA) is taking place.


Our reporter Kisuule Magala who is covering the convention says the branch has been opened by Local Government Minister Tarsis Kabwegyere.


At the same convention American Senator Corman urged African leaders to learn to leave power when their terms expire.


Meanwhile the NRMO America branch have asked President Museveni to be their candidate in next yearÂ’s presidential elections.


At their meeting of Ugandans in North America the movement supporters say President Museveni should come back because he is still a strong visionary.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
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