NATIONAL SECRETARIAT
   Plot 8-10, Kampala Road, Uganda House, P.O Box 37047, Kampala. Phone/Fax: 
                                                          PRESS STATEMENT
                     (Embargoed for release at 11.00 am, 22nd August   2007)
                                        UPC IS ON THE MOVE
  1.     The gross mismanagement of public affairs by the NRM government 
including the likely collapse of preparations for CHOGM meeting and the crisis 
in the funding and administration of public Universities amongst a litany of 
failures is a clear testimony that the NRM is beyond redemption. 
  2.     The failures of the NRM government make it imperative for the 
opposition political parties to provide a strong and realistic alternative in 
terms of governance and policies to the people of Uganda.
  3.     The Uganda Peoples Congress twice in government and now an opposition 
political party has historically demonstrated its capacity to liberate the 
people of Uganda in times of great national crisis. UPC played a critical role 
to unite the country and lead it to independence after the failed 1961 
elections. When dictator Idi Amin ruined the fortunes of Uganda and dismantled 
the civilian governance, it took the decisive intervention of UPC to liberate 
Uganda and lead it to multiparty elections in 1980.Similarly when the NRM 
dictatorship outlawed multiparty system of governance in Uganda, the UPC took 
the lead in the struggle for the restoration of multiparty politics in this 
  4.     In this new crisis where multiparty politics is still heavily 
restricted by the NRM, is under stressed and test. It shall take the energies 
of a revamped UPC to once again liberate this country. The UPC has accepted 
this historical challenge and is on the move to do its national duties. 
  5.     Following the disputed elections of 2006-UPC carried a SWOT analysis 
of its status and following this analysis, developed a five year strategic 
plan. The party is on the move through a combination of strategies and various 
fora to popularize and implement this strategic plan that would see more 
participation of women, youth and persons with disabilities in all party 
  6.     The party has also undertaken a comprehensive review of its 
constitution with a view to refocusing its ideology, values and aspirations and 
strengthening internal democracy. The process of approving of these amendments 
through the party structures is underway. 
  7.     As part of the revitalization of the party, the UPC has and will 
continue to participate in district and parliamentary by-elections. Our 
victories in the LC5 Apac and Oyam South Parliamentary by-elections testify to 
our resolve to vigorously campaign and publicize our policies and win the 
remaining by-elections. 
  8.     To strengthen our district structures, the party has developed a 
district programme under which district officials are being trained and 
refocused to meet the challenges of the changing times. This programme has 
already covered the districts of Mbale, Gulu, Kayunga, and Mbarara as pilot 
districts. Over 20 districts were invited at a joint UPC District Leaders 
conference to share in their experiences at Ranch on the Lake Country 
Club-Entebbe on 14 th -15th June 2007.
  9.     Following the successful launch of the five year strategic plan and 
the holding of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) meeting on 26 May 2007, 
UPC is in the process of conducting regional meetings to popularize and 
implement the strategic plan and make further consultations on the proposed 
Constitutional amendments. 
  10. The first part of these meetings has just been concluded for Northern 
Uganda in Gulu on(19-21 August 2007).There will be similar meetings in Western, 
Eastern and Central Uganda culminating into the holding of National Council(UPC 
Internal Parliament) 
  11. As part of general mobilization of the party, the Party President at the 
invitation of the women of Northern Uganda will travel to Northern Uganda on 25 
th  August 2007.The President will be received at Corner Kamdini and after a 
series of stopovers will address a public gathering at coronation park in Lira 
district. During her two day stay, she will address party leaders, women and 
youth leaders and will hold meeting with groups of other party members in the 
  12. Preparations are also underway to hold a second memorial anniversary of 
our late President Dr. Apollo Milton Obote. This time the event is slated to 
take place outside Kampala on the 10th of October 2007.The occasion will draw 
Congressmen and women throughout the country.
  13. The UPC is confident that, the party shall do all it takes to rebuild and 
strengthen the party and prepare it for the mantle of leadership come 2011 
general elections. UPC shall count on the support of the people of Uganda who 
have born the brunt of NRM years of dictatorship and misrule to once again 
liberate our country.
           For God and My Country 
         Peter Mukidi Walubiri 
         Secretary   General, Uganda Peoples Congress

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