US anger over Zimbabwe reporters
The United States has accused Zimbabwe of adopting a "pattern of intimidation" against journalists in the country.

Four journalist working for foreign news organisations have fled the country in the past week after being threatened by Zimbabwe's secret police.

They were accused of transmitting "material prejudicial to the state".

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said "an open environment for journalists and opposition" was needed.

"The administration noted a pattern in Zimbabwe where the opposition fears for its safety, where restrictions were being placed on civil society and where newspapers were being shut down," he said.


The US has described Zimbabwe as an "outpost of tyranny", although this has been criticised by neighbour South Africa as "an exaggeration".

Three reporters fled last week: Angus Shaw who wrote for AP news agency, Brian Latham who contributed to the Bloomberg financial wire service and Jaan Raath of the UK newspaper, The Times.

It has now emerged that Zimbabwean freelance television producer Cornelius Nduna, who police were looking for, has also left after a raid on his office.

Andrew Moyse from the Media Monitoring Network Zimbabwe said accusations of anti-state activity against the four journalists were absolute rubbish and an attempt to silence the international media in the run up to parliamentary polls on 31 March.

"It could only have been an attempt to intimidate them. My only regret is that it was successful."

The US has imposed targeted sanctions on the Zimbabwean leadership - banning President Mugabe and his associates from travelling to the US, and freezing assets.

The European Union - which has accused Mr Mugabe of using violence against the political opposition and perpetrating human rights abuses - has also renewed its sanctions against the country.

Mr Mugabe accuses the US and the EU of opposing black rule, citing criticism of his policy of seizing the land of white farmers for redistribution to blacks.

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