US Attorney General resigns            Lara Jakes Jordan and 
Jennifer Loven | Crawford, Texas                  27 August 2007 03:15          
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  Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has resigned, ending a months-long 
stand-off with Republican and Democratic critics who called for his ouster over 
the Justice Department's botched handling of FBI terror investigations and the 
firing of United States attorneys, officials said on Monday.

The likely temporary replacement for Gonzales is Solicitor General Paul 
Clement, who would take over until a permanent replacement is found, according 
to a senior administration official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The Justice Department planned a news conference for 2.30pm GMT in Washington. 
President George Bush was expected to discuss Gonzales's departure at his 
Crawford, Texas, ranch before leaving on a trip to western states.

Two administration officials speaking on grounds of anonymity said that 
Gonzales had submitted a resignation letter last Friday. These officials 
declined to be identified because the formal announcement about Gonzales was 
still pending.

A long-time friend of Bush, who once considered him for appointment to the 
Supreme Court, Gonzales is the fourth high-ranking administration official to 
leave since November last year. 

Donald Rumsfeld, an architect of the Iraq war, resigned as defence secretary 
one day after the November elections. Paul Wolfowitz agreed in May to step down 
as president of the World Bank after an ethics inquiry, and top Bush adviser 
Karl Rove earlier this month announced he was stepping down.

A frequent Democratic target, Gonzales could not satisfy critics who said he 
had lost credibility over the Justice Department's botched handling of 
warrantless wire taps related to the threat of terrorism and the firings of 
several US attorneys.

As attorney general and earlier as White House counsel, Gonzales pushed for 
expanded presidential powers, including the eavesdropping authority. He drafted 
controversial rules for military war tribunals and sought to limit the legal 
rights of detainees at Guantánamo Bay -- prompting lawsuits by civil 
libertarians who said the government was violating the Constitution in its 
pursuit of terrorists. -- Sapa-AP 
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