Uganda: Buliisa Conflict - Who are These Balaalo?

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                                       The Monitor (Kampala)
15 October 2006
Posted to the web 23 July 2007
Samuel Baguma
The herdsmen referred to as a Balaalo are people who wonder from place to place 
in search of grass and water for their animals. They usually do not have 
permanent homes. One wonders why, today, they claim to have bought and owned 
land in Buliisa District.
The land in Bunyoro is owned customarily, which means that land belongs to 
family and clan members; no individual or LC team can ever be allowed to sell 
any such piece of land to an individual or group of persons without the consent 
of concerned family and clan members.
    The herdsmen who believe that they own land in this now volatile area 
should think twice before they spend more money in courts of law trying to seek 
justice. There are rumours that these so-called balaalo do not actually have 
strategic interest in this land; it is big shots in government who have 
pecuniary motives.
The balaalo have got guns, mobile phones and can directly ring the big shots in 
government and update them on what is going on. Bunyoro and her people have 
gone through thick and thin over the past century -- with their land being 
grabbed by British imperialists, with the help of Baganda leaders and fighters.
                 Relevant Links              East Africa 
                     All governments, since that time, have never solved the 
Bunyoro land issue. For example, about 65 percent of the land in Kibale 
District is still in the hands of absentee Baganda landlords! And 30 per cent 
of the remaining land is now under the control of Bakiga who came there with 
the help of some politicians.
The rest is land that belongs to bona fide people. In this regard, all those 
people who are flocking Bunyoro to grab land in the name of development and 
grazing cattle should stop doing so. They are being conned of their money -- 
because they will be forced to leave and go elsewhere. Is it because of the oil 
discovery and other precious minerals in that area is now rife with these 
so-called balaalo?
Why do they move with guns? Do they know that it is illegal for a civilian to 
own a gun? Are they being aided and encouraged by some people in government? 
Lastly, I advise all the Local Council chairmen in all districts in Uganda not 
to mislead people by illegally selling them land.

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