some of these NRM people have been peddling NRM lies for many many years so much so that they now have a tendency of  believing in  their own lies.
The irony matter, however, is that the TRUTH has it's on way of  prevailing over lies. This has been proven time and time again.
 Case in point, we now know that iraq did not have Weapons of Mass Destruction..and that it possed no threath to the world..why then  was the world subject to wars were over 450 Billion dollars have thus far been spent to fight  wars? well ask the wise one over there!!
  back to Uganda politics... the people of Uganda has now belately understood  the extent of lies told by the NRM military dictatorship.. the stupid one still parot NRM likes.... the wise ones have now realize their their folly!!!
Uganda: NRM Must Plead Guilty

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Henry Mayega
I have read Nyombi Thembo's response of September 6, titled "UPC Unrepentant" to mine, "The Untold Story Of The NRA In Luwero Traiangle," of September 1. Either he has a problem of comprehension or he disregarded the spirit of reconciliation that UPC has for long now, been advocating. And his rebuttal smacks of sycophancy to a point of absurdity.
Mine was based on figures and incidents. If Nyombi Thembo has ever done research he ought to have known the strength of figures in analysing issues. Since 1986 the NRM regime has been referring to the UPC government as a band of killers.
The folly of this argument is that the UPC has been out of power for over 20 years but people are still being killed, disappearing, getting maimed, interned in the most squalid conditions in "concentration camps" dubbed, "Internally displaced peoples camps" and rape by government soldiers of women in the conflict- torn northern Uganda is rife.
If the regime in which Thembo serves was 100% clean then the above ugly events would not be happening.
Back to the "Luwero Triangle" instead of responding wholly to article I wrote, Nyombi Thembo cleverly avoided responding to the various issues I raised and he picked out one namely; the Luwero Saga that took place between 1980 -1985. I pointed out several things that need articulation by courageous people so that we get to the top of this problem.
I touched on the lies peddled by the NRM about a number of things including; Luwero killings, the attack on Lubiri by UFM in the 1980s, banning of political party activities in 1986, General Yoweri Museveni's refusal to relinquish power as laid down by the laws of this country (reasoning that it is citizens of this country who wanted him to eternally stay in power) and conscription of people into the NRA. It does not appear that Nyombi Thembo is a courageous character.
The UPC has had that courage albeit the numerous problems we have. During the time of the Presidential Policy Commission, the UPC proposed the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). Again the same position was proposed in the UPC campaign manifesto of the 2006 Presidential and Parliamentary elections. Thembo and his ilk should be reminded that all presidential elections organised by the NRM right in 1996, 2001, and 2006, were massively rigged by this regime.
If he does not know this, then he should read the verdict by the Supreme Court on the Kizza Besigye petitions of 2001 and 2006. Yet the wonderful people of this regime justified their going to the bush in 1980 because of "rigged" elections. I hope Thembo has been living in this country to know this. You cannot claim to hide in the bushes of Luwero and cause maximum carnage/ shedding of blood because of "rigged elections" only to emerge from there and massively rig subsequent elections.
I want to set the record straight that I, Henry Mayega, an ardent supporter and member of the UPC, I am not a sycophant of any leader of UPC. I disagree for instance with the slow pace of the reconciliation process in the UPC and hounding of independents in parliament who have a background of UPC.
I always cause a lot of argument about this matter in the UPC administrative structures because I know that we cannot claim the moral high ground on national reconciliation matters when internally as a party, we are not reconciled. I met Nyombi Thembo in one of the city supermarkets and I saw a real sycophant who had copied every stroke of President Museveni in term of dress code; hat on the head, walking stick, he had even transformed his accent to imitate that of his party leader.
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Let me turn to the rebuttal from Thembo. He opens his sycophantic diatribe by saying UPC did not learn from its mistakes. First, was it the UPC that started the war in Luwero? It was the NRA that fired the first bullet in Luwero not the UPC. The then government was duty-bound to defend the people of Uganda in the Luwero Triangle. This was a constitutional obligation.
The writer is Special Envoy
UPC Presidents Office

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