ABOKALAM!!! fighting the LRA is like fighting Maumau..the wind, so to say... and as you know one can never fight the wind and win!!!..indeed were is this UN goingt ot fight mbu the rebels? in Congo, southern Sudan. this world is surely full of morons!!!!
Uganda: Uganda Asks UN to Delay Action On LRA Rebels

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Emmy Allio & Agencies
UGANDA has appealed to the UN Security Council to delay a resolution calling for joint military action against the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and arrest its indicted leaders.
State minister for foreign affairs in charge of international affairs Okello Oryem said Uganda had communicated to Britain, the sponsor of the Security Council debate, to delay passing of the resolution.
The resolution calls for indictment of not only the LRA top officers but also collaborators and sponsors of the rebel group.
He said foreign affairs minister Sam Kutesa would brief the Security Council after the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Cuba.
"I must say that diplomatic efforts are underway to ensure that the Juba talks are supported in the interest of peace in the region," Oryem said.
He added that Uganda was consulting the International Criminal Court, which indicted LRA leader Joseph Kony, commanders Vincent Otti, Dominic Ongwen, Okot Odhiambo and the late Raska Lukwiya for war crimes.
On Monday, the LRA team to the talks in Juba requested for two days to go and consult their leadership.
The Government has also extended a September 12 deadline set up in July for the LRA to agree to a peace deal or lose an offer of blanket amnesty.
Just hours before the deadline expired, Oryem said, "The adjustment of the deadline will be announced any time soon."
He noted that the extension was to be made because President Yoweri Museveni was pleased with "the progress and realistic situation on the ground".
"The President is satisfied with the progress and the movement of the LRA, including the presence of Vincent Otti, at the assembly points," Oryem said.
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The spokesman for the Government team in Juba, Capt. Paddy Ankunda, told Reuters in Juba on Monday that the rebels have up to September 19 to assemble at agreed locations.
"If they don't assemble, then they are breaking the agreement and we will have to rethink our approach," Ankunda said, declining to say what action the Government would take.
The UN humanitarian chief, Jan Egeland, who toured the war-ravaged northern Uganda and visited Juba on Monday, told a news conference in Nairobi, Kenya that the UN was willing to assist the negotiations in any way it could.

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