The utterances of a derranged mind no doubt..apparently it takes the son of Kaguta 20 years solid to perfect his ARMY.  The fact is that Twon COO Joseph  KONY checked your behind.  ALl you can do is make NOISE in the  comfort of a typical coward which you are. Your UPDF forces killed our people and blamed KONY. many would argue that KONY has given you and your Military dictatorship a "soft landing" refuse the peace talks and observer what will happen on your behind!!! That UPDF NRA you are still showing off with  WILL fall as a house of cards!!  Kuma Yokoo!
Uganda: Kony a Traitor - Museveni

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Milton Olupot
PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has described LRA rebel leader Joseph Kony as a traitor.
"Kony is a traitor and a criminal. Over the last 19 years, he has tried to kill as many Ugandans as possible. If it was not for the NRM/UPDF, he would have killed hundreds of thousands of Ugandans," Museveni said in a statement on Monday.
He, however, said although initially under-equipped and under-manned, the UPDF had not allowed Kony to kill as many people as he had wanted.
"Nevertheless, he carried out a number of massacres in Atiak, Muchwini, Barlonyo, etc, without counting the individual killings. He abducted many, raped many young girls, infecting them with HIV/AIDS, mutilated many and caused the internal displacement of two million people at the height of his terrorist campaign," he said.
Museveni identified two problems that hindered UPDF from defeating the LRA, as President Joseph Kabila's government in Congo failing to evict Kony or allowing the UPDF to hunt him in Garamba and the UN forces in Congo not being able to do it either.
"When H.E. Salva Kiir, therefore, proposed a new attempt at peace talks, I agreed because of Congo and the UN giving a safe haven to Kony. I also thought that Otti and Kony, having tasted the serious pressure we had put them under, had understood the dangers to themselves and would use this chance to come out of their criminality.
"No sooner had the peace talks started than all sorts of liars and charlatans descended on Juba and caused a lot of confusion. Some were opportunistically trying to give the impression that they are the ones to bring peace," he added.
He said the Acellam-Kwoyelo-Dominic group that tried to cross River Nile was repeatedly blocked by the UPDF south of Juba and the SPLA north of Juba. "In the process, the UPDF killed 17 terrorists, foiling their plan to link up with Kony in Garamba," Museveni said.
"This clarifies one message to them. The days of playing with UPDF are over. There is no trick you will play that you will get away with. If you continue disturbing peace, you will perish because the UPDF's capacity is now almost complete," he said.
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On the Karimojong cattle rustlers, the President said a large number of them had been killed in Kaabong and Kotido since October 29.
"Bring back the guns and live a peaceful life, otherwise, you will go to jail or even die. The army will guarantee the property of the people against the rustlers from Sudan (Topotha) and Kenya (Pokot and Turkana).
"Those who the army has not caught up with yet should report with their guns. I give them my word, no action will be taken against them. However, if they continue to hold illegal guns, they will be hunted and captured or killed if they resist."

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