NRM Modernisation of Kampala

Stockholm City major reason for initiating a toll system was due to motorised 
pollution. They gave in to the forces of nature. Prior they had made an 
elaborated study of the entire archipelago environmental impact that involve; 
water, air, soil profiles, plants and not least people. The rests were very 

For another time, I’m writing to highlight the fate of Kampala region and its 
suburbs. The situation has reached alarmingly an unsustainable level. I’m once 
again challenging, National Resistance Movement government, MULAGO MEDICAL 
SCHOOL, UTODA now a limited company, KCC, Ministry of Works, Housing and 
Communication, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Gender and Social Development, 
NEMA (has done its job) to start clinical studies on consequences of 
environmental pollution on human life in Kampala.

It is estimated between 6000 – 8000 diesel guzzling minibuses are operating in 
this region of less than 1000 sq km. Uganda is registering more than 200 old 
Japanese vehicles per month. 

Kampala is increasingly accumulating pollutants of all types; toxic garbage, 
polythene bags, faeces besides lethal gasses like nitrogen oxide, sulphur 
oxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, lead, and hydrocarbons. 

 Nakivubo Channel and wetland destruction, is posing a greater danger to people 
living along them. Dry periods come along with foul smell from stinking water 
logged in the channel. 

The philosopher king his excellence the president of the republic of Uganda in 
his missive in the new vision directed the parliament legalised National 
Environment Management Authority to hear stay the eviction of wetland 
encroachers as NRM finds an amicable solution! One can’t fail to be 
flabbergasted and question the intention of this regime.

NRM is poised to completely destroy Kampala. It might be too late to reverse 
the damage. Kampala is accumulating million tonnes of garbage on a daily basis. 
Market places are mostly affected, in the inner city and suburban markets.

At St. Balikuddembe, Karelwe and Natete Markets vendors are now openly opposing 
the abolition of market dues! Garbage and filthy is chocking them. Today 
Saturday 6 may 2006, I’ve been in Natete and a downpour left the sceptic tank 
pouring its content in the public road drainage to the disgust of the dwellers.

That is the major road to Rwakitura.

Kampala has no sewerage system at all. If it exist it’s only 8% of the 196 sq 
km that Kampala covers. Ntinda minister’s village has a lagoon to empty its 
shit. Even a minister’s village can’t be connected to major sewer lines.

A six square kilometre Nakivubo wetland has been reduced to just a third. Human 
settlements, are coming up everywhere as NRM human settlement policy! MoWHC and 
MoWLE are very silent on the matter. It’s NEMA, KCC and the Local Government 
doing the needful, whenever they get governments blessings.

Unplanned human settlements are equally impacting negatively on the population 
living in Kampala. It’s a gradual process that will see an area extending as 
far as Mukono, Entebbe, Buloba and Matuga affected in the same manner. 

Children among others are the most affected; taxi drivers and city dwellers 
working in highly motorised corridors are equally affected and more so women. 

During dry spells, motor vehicles stir dust that creates a canopy of dust over 
the city. They emit diesel fumes and particles hanging over Lake Victoria. With 
deliberate destruction of Lake Nalubale, with solid waste through Nakivubo 
channel and particulate particles – an ecological imbalance of this once 
beautiful peninsula is a reality.  

Last week, one news media reported cancer cases at Mulago general hospital are 
on the increase. 

However, the journalist who filed the report did not clearly, detail 
explanations of the causes and cluster population affected. In the news 
segment, majority images were children, with half limbs and others rotting, 
cancer eating them away. The physicians appeared to be helpless as they blamed 
the problem on lack of facilitation.

Though the physicians were point focused, the problem is deeper.  
The facts are now becoming very clear. Medical doctors in and around Kampala 
are struggling with some rare coughs, fevers and other diseases among the 
children and adults. There appears to be no medication that can cure these 
strange diseases.   

I for one, in the past one and half year, has suffered three times of very rare 
coughs resulting in severe headaches and very high fevers. Prompting me to take 
test laboratory that have nothing but some sort of bacteria infection, which 
may be, was not readily understood.   

On top of that, Indians (investors) are bringing in expired drugs and one of 
the Indian was recently relived of his duties from his executive directorship 
of Uganda drug whatever and discontinued from practicing medicine in Uganda.

As reported into the past, any person who has not been in Kampala for years 
will get severe headaches and sneezes combined with strange coughs on contact 
with the polluted air. City children are getting very strange eye, ear and 
nasal infections as the story told to me by my contact medical doctor.

One can only be redeemed with a cocktail of drugs. Cough, bacteria, flu the 
list of drugs is just endless. Professor Walubo must be really disturbed by 
this terrible development. 

The government of Uganda by proxy is involved in a gradual gassing of Ugandans. 
If the world condemned Hilter of gassing Jews, why shouldn’t the Uganda 
government be held responsible for keeping the situation as it is in the city?

My interviews with taxi drivers allege that Uganda taxi drivers & operators 
association now a limited company is an arm of the current regime. A reason for 
taxi drivers’ helplessness and the status quo remains.

Kampala is a combination of hills and valleys, a perfect location to 
unconsciously kill off people through toxic gas poisoning.  Toxic gases are 
trapped in the valleys and the building stance going on into the city with box 
unpacket to lock dangerous gas in, it is only exacerbating the dangerous 
situation, as there are no air corridors left to dissipate toxic air 
concentration into Kampala. 

Nor is the government very much committed to establish industrial locations.  
To compound the grave conditions, placement of industries is in the suburbs of 
the city. 

We are modernising a primitive society!

Lastly, the government has completely no transportation policy and against that 
background have only aggravated, the situation by importation of old vehicles, 
a good number of them without catalysers. These vehicles consume thousands of 
litres of leaded and carcinogenic fossil fuels.

NRM’s energy policy with hundreds of power generators spiting out toxic gases, 
the condition is becoming critical. Worse still the creation of the Northern by 
pass along the Lubigi - Nsoba wetland is a final assault on the Impala 

Fell Citizens rise up, to save our people from further destruction by a 
terrible regime. 



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