
Either you're still in ignorance or you're just anti federo or anti Buganda. You should by now know the role of Kabaka in Baganda culture.You've been told over and over again. What is the meaning of "Taka",and "Ssabataka",? There is no way you can dissassocite Ssabataka from Buganda-land. You cannot claim to have custody of Bugandaland and its people when you have no say or control of more than 95% of the land directly or indirectly.By control I dont mean political control. When Kabaka speaks about federo, he has a right to do so. This is not about political parties.In Ontario ( where you're residing), we're under federal Canada and we have separate provincial political parties. Political parties can be federal or provincial. So, Kabaka is not demanding political powers for "Kabaka". He is demanding sharing of powers between the central govt and Buganda through the Mengo Lukiiko and Mengo govt.

Mengo has not refused elections. Even before the abolition of Kingdoms in 1966 most of the Lukiiko representative were elected. What Buganda is saying is that the central govt should not dictate the formular of representatives.Mu7 want to n control it just the way he's now controlling the Uganda paliament. The constitution should be left to the Buganda legslatures. Baganda know hwta they want. They are politically mature. Right now Mengo Lukiiko is not recognised in the current constition.Therefore, it cannot carry out full democratic elections.Thats why Lukiiko is 50% hand picked and 50% "sem"i elected. Who will fund the elections? Under what electrol laws?

When Kabaka say that " Buganda will one day get federo" he has a right to say so and its true. You cannot ignore it.Its a prediction coming true. Remember, under Soviet Union, there were people like "Mulindwa" in those "forced" states who used to "fight" against the facts that one day they will get Independence. Force and coercion do not work for ever especially if there is suppress of the native population. Agreements should be by concensus not majority who may be strangers to the culture and the land. The more rhetoric is coming out of Anti Baganda the more its raising their spirits to resist. Its not a matter of "we're the majority.. we must control your destiny". It must be by consensus. If peaceful means cannot end this, dont be surprised when forceful means are applied. Though they were minorities, the Israels and Tutsi's went back because they were spiritually determined to go back to where they belong.Thats why Katikkiro is asking all people to pray for Kabaka because he's in the most dificult time. There are millions of Baganda who see the negotiations as "waste of time". Land is Land. Its not something to play with.
If negotiations fails, Mulindwa, do not expect it to be the defeat of Buganda.It will be the beginning of "tribulation" time Uganda has never seen. Beleave it or not.

J. Ssenyange


From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Buganda to get federo - Mutebi, Monitor 2/8/2004
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 20:54:45 -0400

When one reads such postings, one can not help but wonder if Buganda, and if this King has any idea of what he is stating here.

If you go to Buganda and talk to the population as I did early in the year, you cannot help but come to a conclusion that the Mengo confused agents have done a real piece of work on the Buganda population. It is very irresponsible for this Ssabasajja to state that Buganda will get federal, for this king has absolutely no right to state so or even to ask for it. For smart as this King is, surely he knows full well that even president Museveni can not make Buganda a federal. A smart King as this king is surely by now would have understood, that even if Uganda today gets a Muganda President, he/she can not give Buganda federal. So with such comments one can not help but wonder what is wrong with us as Baganda.

But all these things we stated long time ago, and they all have come true, we were called anti Buganda and people like my self and Lisa Toro were booted out of Fednet, for we failed to see the beauties which are going to become of Buganda when Uganda becomes a Federal state. Some times I monitor what squabbles go on in fednet today and I thank God for I ain't a member of such, for we have lost clarity.
And friends like Mwami Kibuuka who I love so well, must back off a bit today and ask them selves a simple question. What does DP especially the young DP has to do with all this fracas? Are the Kijyomanyi's, the Dr Kigongo's and so on of today in this war for they love Buganda and Uganda? Or it is because they want to see DP in power so they use Buganda through Mengo to get the Buganda support? You see what this King must understand is that if the Baganda today have beaten the crap out of Mayanja Nkangi, their former Katikiro, they will turn against Mengo as soon as they are in power.

If the Kijyomanyi's trully support Federalism to empower Buganda, and not out of malice, why don't they support Kabaka Yekka Party? Have you ever asked your self that question?

Let me give Mengo an advice. You are a cultural institution in Uganda. You will be in Uganda and as a cultural entity whether Uganda is a federal state or a unitary state, and there is no debate about that. But due to your size and location in the nation, Uganda government will look at you very carefully and you vice versa. So instead of blaming Obote and Amin, instead of attacking Museveni and NRM, show that you have grown democratically. Demonstrate that. Even in federal countries like Canada, negotiations are done daily on who can control this or that, and to tell you the truth all governments I have seen love some one to take responsibility from it. Surely if Buganda can run Buganda hospitals effectively, Uganda government will hand them over for that will be one problem less. If you see a government refusing to hand over responsibility to any one, then you have two things on your hand, either the government isn't sure about your ability to fulfill such, or every one in the nation is eating and you want a piece of the pie through lies and innuendos.

So I ask. Do we as Baganda honestly want Buganda to be federal when we can not get an election in Mengo ever? Ssabasajja stand up and demonstrate to me that you are not a dictator as Museveni, for you have an elected Lukiiko in Mengo then I will trust you as a Muganda to support your call. For I am fine with Museveni being a dictator for I can get a gun and over throw him but the Kingdom is born. Ssabasajja you are using an unelected Lukiiko to build an entity which you claim to become democratic, can you explain this please, after we get federal in Buganda are you going to fire all the Lukiko members and make them stand in their constituencies to be elected back into Lukiiko? How exactly will this work?

You are asking for Ebyaffe, and you surely should get them. But Ssabasajja NRM handed over some properties to Buganda when the kingdom was reinstated, what have you done with them so far? Can we see that report please? For I can state here and now that if the properties given back to Mengo by NRM, were being used profitably today, if they were an icon in Uganda today, then the call from State House would be to ask you if you need more. Take The AgKan as an example, he has buildings and it is accountability and he will get more any time. Ssabasajja where is Mengo's accountability?

Until when we can demonstrate that Mengo is better than NRM, it is all a joke and DP is right to use federal request to get to power.

Ayi Ssabasajja Wangala.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Omar Kezimbira
  Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 5:05 PM
  Subject: ugnet_: Buganda to get federo - Mutebi, Monitor 2/8/2004

Buganda to get federo- Mutebi By Robert Mwanje & Ignatius Ssuuna Aug 2, 2004 - Monitor

MENGO - The Kabaka of Buganda, Ronald Muwenda Mutebi, has said the kingdom will get a federal system of governance no matter how long it takes. He, however, urged his subjects to remain calm. The visibly angry Kabaka made the remarks while opening a three-day workshop on federalism at Twekobe in Mengo palace at the weekend.

He said Buganda makes its demands through peaceful negotiations because the kingdom does not want the country to slide into chaos. "We are still demanding for our things (Ebyaffe) peacefully because we want freedom to prevail in this country," he said amid chanting from his subjects.
In response, his subjects told him that peaceful means would not deliver the results.

This was the first time the Kabaka was speaking publicly after the failed negotiations over federo between Mengo and the government. Buganda's demands include federo, categorisation of Kampala city as a part of Buganda region, and the return of 9,000 square miles of crown land currently deemed public land.

Mutebi, who arrived in a six-car convoy at noon, said the government had the responsibility to help the kingdom regain its lost glory. Silence descended on thousands of federo agitators, who were chanting federo slogans, when the Kabaka left his royal seat and addressed his subjects from a public podium.

Heads of various clans said the Kabaka does not address his subjects standing. Reading his speech from a podium signified grave concern over federo, they said.

The Cabinet early last month opted to grant Buganda a regional tier system of governance. And, a few days ago, President Yoweri Museveni led a government team into talks with a Buganda delegation at Nakasero and suggested that Mengo be granted a municipality status - instead of reclassifying Kampala as part of Buganda.

Museveni also reportedly told the delegation that at no time, during the five-year bush war, did he promise to grant Baganda federo.

  © 2004 The Monitor Publications


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