Arrow Boy Kills Soldier, Arrested

The Monitor (Kampala)

September 12, 2003
Posted to the web September 12, 2003

Patrick Elobu Angonu and Alex B. Atuhaire

A Teso militia fighter has been arrested for shooting a UPDF soldier dead and injuring two others, 3rd Division Commander Col. Andrew Guti has said.

"Yes we are holding an Arrow Boy for shooting a UPDF soldier dead and injuring two others. But I don't have details," he said.

The Arrow Group, is a local militia in Teso, fighting the Joseph Kony rebels along side the UPDF.

Guti talked to The Monitor on Wednesday at Soroti Independence Gardens during the peace prayers.

Security sources identified the Arrow Boy only as Ecegu. Ecegu allegedly killed the soldier in a fire exchange.

"I am aware an Arrow Boy was arrested in Gweri for killing a UPDF officer and crippling two other soldiers. But don't quote me as yet. This is a hot potato," a security source said.

Sources said Ecegu shot the soldiers after they refused to engage the rebels who sneaked into Soroti town from Gweri on Tuesday.

The arrest of Ecegu comes in the wake of an merging rift between the local militia and UPDF over the prosecution of the war against the rebels in Teso.

The rift is reportedly centered on strategy and logistics needed to fight the rebels.

The Arrow Group accuses UPDF of "cowardice" and resorting to conventional warfare. The UPDF is angry that the local militia is quick to claim credit whenever government soldiers score a major victory against the rebels.

Asked whether the rift would jeopardise the war effort against the LRA, Col. Guti said "no."

"In a home children fight but they can't separate a family," he said.

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