Mr. Adhola, Mulindwa, Elibe,

Are you still arguing on this? i.e

".... Prof. Bukenya said that while addressing hundreds of people who turned out to celebrate Buganda's independence from the British and volunteerism day (Bulungibwansi)"

raed below for full story.

J. Ssenyange

From: Omar Kezimbira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Buganda will get federo - Vice President Bukenya
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 15:42:18 -0700 (PDT)

Buganda will get federo - Bukenya
By Mercy Nalugo
Oct 9, 2003 - Monitor

KAMPALA - Vice President Gilbert Bukenya has said he will make sure Baganda get federo.

He, however, urged them to be patient and careful. "In case one is preparing food, it's improper to serve it when it is still raw," Prof. Bukenya said that while addressing hundreds of people who turned out to celebrate Buganda's independence from the British and volunteerism day (Bulungibwansi) at Busiro County headquarters in Sentema,Wakiso district.

"We are all proud of the federal system but you should keep a deaf ear and leave every thing to me, you will definitely have it," Bukenya said.

He warned Baganda against making uncoordinated and uncalled for statements against the government over federo.

He said this might swing the government's thinking on federo. Bukenya said he will "cook federo till it is ready for consumption".

Kabaka Ronald Mutebi, accompanied by Nnabagereka Sylvia Nagginda, warned the Baganda against selling their land because it is ancestral.

He also encouraged all parents and guardians to have their children immunised against measles between October 16-19.

Katikkiro Mulwanyammuli Ssemwogerere said federo will unite all Ugandans and make them firm.

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