The man wants his job back  as ..I hear "Presidential Assistant on Political Affairs"

Court to hear Mutale petition September 23

By Halima Abdallah
September 14, 2003

KAMPALA - The High Court will on September 23 start hearing Maj. Kakooza Mutale's petition against his sacking by the president.

Mutale, a former Presidential Assistant on Political Affairs, was sacked last month by President Yoweri Museveni on recommendation from the Inspector General of Government.

Mutale wants court to overrule the IGG's findings and to declare that Museveni's decision to sack him was null and void.

The IGG made a report in May accusing Mutale of failing to declare his assets as required by law.

Mutale challenged his dismissal on August 28 in the High Court in Kampala through his counsel Kibedi & Co. Advocates.

Justice Yorokamu Bamwine will hear the petition. Mutale contends that he was erroneously sacked because the report by the IGG did not comply with the Leadership Code provisions.

He accused the IGG of refusing to give him the forms on which to declare his wealth.

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