The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: Kloema
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 1:14 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] UK's airline blacklist published ... Cameroon on the list

UK's airline blacklist published

The downed Egyptian plane was banned from Switzerland
A list of airlines from eight countries which are banned from flying
in UK air space has been published.
All aircraft operated by airlines from Equatorial Guinea, Gambia,
Liberia and Tajikistan have been banned.

The others on the blacklist are Sierra Leone's Star Air and Air
Universal, Cameroon Airlines, Albanian Airlines and Central Air
Express, from DR Congo.

The naming follows the Flash Airline crash in Egypt last week, and
the revelation the Swiss had banned Flash.

Banned airlines
Star Air (Sierra Leone)
Air Universal (Sierra Leone)
Cameroon Airlines
Albanian Airlines
Central Air Express (DR Congo) 
Responding to a question from Tory MP David Wilshire, Transport
Minister Tony McNulty said that the UK had a "rigorous safety regime"
when it came to air travel.

"If we have evidence that international standards are not being met a
permit may be refused or revoked. Permits may also be refused for
other reasons, such as non-payment of fines for offences under
immigration legislation," he said in a written answer.

"In addition, we require permit applicants, where appropriate, to
confirm that aircraft are equipped with certain equipment such as
ground proximity warning systems and the airborne collision avoidance

Right to know?

"Permit applications have been turned down in the absence of such

It is understood that two airlines banned or restricted in at least
one European country in 2002 were still flying from the UK in 2003.

But their names are being kept secret, amid international confusion
on confidentiality rules, BBC News Online has learned.

Mr Wilshire told BBC News: "If a government bans an airline from its
airspace it has to have a good reason.

"And we have a right to know whether it is sensible to get on an

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