It’s 1986 all over again

When President Yoweri Museveni and the NRA took power in Uganda in 1986, they were welcomed by a fair majority of Ugandans. They were welcomed not that they were the people’s choice or heroes but because Ugandans were frustrated and helpless as a result of wars, killings and bad government.

Museveni and the National Resistance Army came at the right time, they took advantage of the situation, and they were welcomed. Now Ugandans are back to square one: they are tired and fed up with the war, killings, arrest and detention, torture, dictatorship, etc. This time, it is happening in their faces with open and pure intention and arrogance.

The majority of Ugandans want change, and they want it now. They are ready to welcome anybody or party without any consideration whatsoever, as long as this government can be removed.

Name withheld.

These are not ritual murders

This is in reference to Robert Sekindu’ letter of June 10. The mystery of Mityana “cannibals” and the ritual murders of teenagers is hereby revealed.

The murders of so many innocent Ugandans is actual fuelled by an international racket of mafia dealing in human organs which can be transplanted into bodies of rich patients who can pay dearly for them. e.g kidneys and a heart. One kidney fetches Shs 25,000,000 and the heart is far more than that.

This racket was active in Nicaragua, Hungary and Vietnam but was busted and so spread its wings to African countries like Uganda, which are lax in their security.

The victims of this racket are killed and organs are removed by experienced surgeons who then pass them onto to the commuters who transport them in flasks through Entebbe Airport for onward transmission to Nairobi and beyond. The body of the victim is then mutilated in a way that will destroy evidence and portray it as a ritual murder. The tongue and private parts are cut out as part of the decoy.

Am appealing to all security organs in Uganda to be more vigilant in protecting Ugandans. Mityana is an area of scattered settlement and this encourages the carrying out of such bizarre missions.

G.M.H. Mwesigwa,

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
-- Arthur Schopenhauer

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