Museveni Vows To Rout LRA’s Kony

MERRY CHRISTMAS: Gulu chairman Walter Ochora (left) welcomes Museveni to church

By Dennis Ojwee
PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has vowed to remove the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels from the bush by force, since they are not respecting the amnesty law.

He said amnesty was given to the rebels so that they come out of the bush willingly and not be prosecuted.

“The Government gave the rebels the amnesty law so that they can come out of the bush willingly. But if they don’t come out quickly, we shall get them out by force, or kill them all because they are finishing innocent people,” Museveni said.

Museveni, who was accompanied by his wife Janet, had their first prayer in Gulu town with thousands of Anglican Christians at Christ Church on Christmas day.

Museveni appealed to the Acholi not to worry although the LRA were still ambushing vehicles and causing other havoc in the region.

Museveni sent his condolences to the family of the late Anglican Rev. Julius Peter Okidi of Kitgum Diocese and a student at Uganda Christian University, Mukono who was shot dead by the rebels on Christmas eve.

“I was saddened when I heard that the rebels ambushed a vehicle and killed an Anglican Reverend near Abera forest when they were travelling from Gulu to Kitgum district,” Museveni said.

The rebels shot Rev. Okidi on the evening of Monday close to Abera forest on the Gulu-Kitgum road in Paicho sub-county, Aswa County in Gulu district.

He was killed together with another unidentified civilian with whom he was travelling.
The rebels in November murdered another Anglican clergy, the Rev. Alfred Kilama of Lalogi in Omoro county in Gulu.

The rebels recently injured the Rev. Amitayo Odong of Kitgum Anglican Diocese when they shot him in the right arm in an ambush on the Kitgum-Lira road.

Published on: Saturday, 28th December, 2002

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