
Here is yet another opportunity to reinforce the message: Uganda is bleeding.


Shahka Sali of VOA will have Roger Winters, the Assistant Administrator for USAID who was in Gulu recently on his talk show STRAIGHT TALK AFRICA. You can call into the talk show at 202-619-3111 and ask any question to do with USAID policy focusing on northern Uganda in particular. The talk show is between 1:30 and 2:30 PM Eastern Standard Time.


Wednesday, February 26th, 1830 UTC

Marcelo Spina Hering

"Africa: Politics, Refugees And Resettlement" We'll talk about politics, refugees and resettlement in Africa and the role of the international community.

Joining host Shaka Ssali will be: Roger Winter, U.S. Assistant Administrator for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Asssistance (USAID); Dr. Kallu Kalumiya, UNHCR Regional Coordinator for Repatriation of Angolan Refugees; and Alison Parker, Human Rights Watch, Director, Refugee Policy, New York.

That's Wednesday, February 26th at 1830 UTC.

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