My brother Ssemakula, to the question:

>>Where and how have I considered, even remotely, that Ibingira is a
just a short step away from sainthood?

The answer lies in:

>>2. With regard to his credibility as a source of information about
Obote's megalominiacal and insatiable hunger for power and the extents
to which he is willing to go to achieve his personal goals, as well as
the inner workings of the UPC, I stated that Ibingira was (a) a trained
lawyer, (b) a former Secretary-General of the UPC, (c) a legal adviser
to the UPC, and (d) a former cabinet minister in Obote's government. 

And the inference that given the above, whatever he says must be taken
as gospel truth. But let's not get bogged down on a few
semantic/technical details or interpretations such as this one. I am
still waiting for the other beans so I can prepare the defence you asked
me to. 

On a lighter note, those of us living outside the USA have the feeling
that in the USA lawyers are quite low down in the credibility rankings,
thanx to the many drams/sitcoms, it is therefore nice to know that your
Ugandan upbringing has not coloured your view of lawyers, trained or

Best regards,


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