The situation in The Democratic Republic of Congo has had no where to go but down. Thanks to Paul Kagame and Yoweri Museveni, who believe that looting minerals is more important than saving the lives of the Congolese. As I mentioned last week, these two presidents, Kagame and Museveni, have killed or caused to kill millions of people in this nation that it has now become an issue with the Security council. By this posting, you will know what has happened in the security council today regarding Congo and what UN wants Uganda and Rwanda to do. At the bottom of the posting, I am going to include the statement issued by the President of the 15 member council Gunter pleuger of Germany, to the press this New York afternoon.
On behalf of the Communication group, I am appealing to every body to put as much pressure to the presidents of Rwanda (Paul Kagame) and Uganda (Yoweri Museveni) to understand that we can not live like this when we are killing, raping, molesting and abusing innocent people. Let Uganda and Rwanda get out of The Democratic Republic of Congo.
Edward Mulindwa
DR Congo: Security Council expresses concern at human rights violations

Council President Gunter Pleuger
26 February The United Nations Security Council today expressed concern at serious human rights violations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), called for the punishment of those responsible and urged all parties to the conflict to maintain law and order in the areas under their control.

In a statement to the press following consultations on UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's latest report on the DRC, the President of the 15-member Council, Ambassador Gunter Pleuger of Germany, said members also called on the Congolese parties to fully implement the power-sharing agreement signed in Pretoria last December, and to establish the transitional government.

According to the President, Council members voiced their concerns at the abuses reported two weeks ago by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Sergio Vieira de Mello, who said information gathered "reveals that prosecution on ethnic and tribal grounds, extortion of property, rape and other forms of sexual violence against women, extra-judicial executions, and the forced recruitment of children are being committed."

Council members "reiterated that there can be no impunity," Mr. Pleuger said. They expressed their particular concern at the situation in Ituri, and called on the Union des Patriotes Congolais (UPC) to cooperate fully with the UN Organization Mission in the DRC (MONUC).

They also called on all governments in the region, in particular the Governments of the DRC, Rwanda and Uganda, to support the peace process in Ituri, urging them "to work to establish confidence-building measures to promote security in the border areas," Mr. Pleuger said.

Members demanded that full freedom of movement be provided to MONUC so that it could investigate allegations that Rwandan and other foreign troops were present in DRC territory, as well as allegations that the Congolese Government provided support to the armed groups in the east of the country.

They also condemned the attack against MONUC's helicopter in Bunia, the main town in the Ituri region, "warned those who committed this crime of grave consequences, and demanded that the perpetrators be identified and brought to justice immediately," Mr. Pleuger said.


Press Release


Following is the statement to the press on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, delivered today by Security Council President Gunter Pleuger (Germany):

Members of the Council expressed their concern at the serious violations of human rights reported by the High Commissioner, Sergio Vieira de Mello.  They reiterated that there can be no impunity. They reiterated also the responsibility of each party for the maintenance of law and order in the areas under their control.

Members of the Council also expressed their concern at the situation in Ituri, and called on the Union des Patriotes Congolais to cooperate fully with the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC), the humanitarian organizations, and to facilitate the implementation of the Ituri Pacification Committee.

Members of the Council called on all governments in the region, in particular the Governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda, to support the peace process in Ituri, to use their influence positively, and to refrain from taking or supporting any action that could aggravate the situation.  They urged them to work to establish confidence-building measures to promote security in the border areas.

Members of the Council called on the Congolese parties to resolve the outstanding issues to allow full and early implementation of the Pretoria Agreement of 17 December 2002, and to establish the transitional government in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Members of the Council demanded that full access and full freedom of movement be provided to MONUC so that it could verify the implementation of the Pretoria Agreement of 30 July 2002 and investigate the allegations on the presence of Rwandan and other foreign troops in the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as the allegations of support by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the armed groups in the east of the country.

Members of the Council condemned the attack against MONUC’s helicopter in Bunia, warned those who committed this crime of grave consequences, and demanded that the perpetrators be identified and brought to justice immediately.

Members of the Council reiterated their full support to MONUC and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The Council will address these concerns in more detail in due course.

             The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy"
             Le groupe de transmission de Mulindwas
" avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans anarchy "

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