You know, my brother Ssemakula, as I have said a short while ago, this
was a side issue; you challenged me to prepare to defend Obote. That
brought back memories of the times we had real debates on Ugandanet, and
I accepted your challenge. While waiting for you to lay out the case, I
sent you a part from Kanyiehamba's book, just to show that someone,
somewhere, thought a little differently about the very events c.f.
Ibingira's account. It was just a coincidence that I'd just got a copy
of Kanyeihamba's book, I am sure had I looked hard enough, I'd have
found a different account from other authors, but I did not. It is only
in that light that I felt it unfair that I should have been taken to
task to defend Kanyeihamba: unlike your angelic author who has passed
on, Kanyeihamba is still alive and therefore ought to defend his
non-conformity-with-Ibingira sections. The book I have does not list his
contacts, but he's a public enough figure, I am sure he can be reached.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/24/03 01:40AM >>>

If is not fair for you  to be enganged in defending Kanyeihamba's
writings, why is it somehow fair for me to be engaged in defend
Ibingira's writings? And I thought  that what is good for the goose is 
good for the gander! >>>>>>

Let's not get into a vicious circle on this: go back to what we've said
and see how we've been moving. Ibingira "a trained attorney",
Kanyiehamba "also attorney, a law professor, even a justice of the
supreme court" - then you say so what? And I say if Kanyeihamba's
credentials don't matter, why should Ibingira's. Then we pick another
small issue and write back and forth, ultimately, we are getting
distracted from the main issue, aren't we?

>>>>Bannakampala have a saying these days -- "Lutalo lwa pilaawo na
nyamma"  ( it is a 'battle of rice pilaf and meat') i.e. it is all the
same.  In this case both chaps are ex-UPC who had a falling out with
their leader.>>>>>>

I know compatriot Kipenji has said Kanyeihamba was a UPC, but it is not
one of the statements I've seen in this Kanyeihamba's book, I may have
missed it, granted. But without seeing it, I did not want to commit
myself on that, unless you wanted me to do so so that when you get to
read the book you accuse me of putting words in Kanyeihamba's mouth. 
Kanyeihamba, by his own admission, was a junior lecturer by the late
1960s, so, of course, if he was a UPC at the time Ibingira was, he could
not have been as close to the "in" as Ibingira was - one for Ibingira.
Secondly, if it is true that Kanyeihamba fell out with Obote, their
falling out could not have been on the same scale as the Obote-Ibingira
one - agree? one round to????

Best regards,


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