ugnet_: Re: [FedsNet] Matters Arising: The Generalismo’s Land Grab

2003-11-05 Thread J Ssemakula
  A divorce should negotiated, preceeded of course with attempts at reconciliation. A messy divorce as happend in Eriterea should be avoided by all means, in favor of the amicable Slovakian model. If it is the will of the majority in Acoli to their separate ways, then we should let them go in peac

ugnet_: Re: [FedsNet] Matters Arising: The Generalismo’s Land Grab

2003-10-31 Thread J Ssemakula
It has been said by someone famous, but whose name escapes me, that every problem is an opportunity. So it is with the land question. The Bakiga (Banyakigezi) are not fleeing their homeland because of wars or  other calamity. Rather they are on the move because they have over-populated their natur