
All the K's , most notably, Kaguta,  Kagame, Kabila are the  Greatest War Lords who  have caused choas in the  Great Lakes Region.

Indeed, it is only under Kaguta that Uganda has been  at wars  with the so called LRA  rebels, ADF Rebels,  Kazu Itogwa  rebels, PRA rebels, Karamojong Cattle Rustlers,   you name it ....  for now 17 years!!!

It is only under Kaguta that Uganda has invaded DRC Congo  Territory and illegally looted that country's natural  resources  left right, and center.

The  Kazini's, Salem Saleh  and other NRM sycophants all developed Tumbu Kumbwa ( big stomach ) as a result of "eating"  the procceeds resulting form the looting and selling of DRC Natural resources. They even managed to fool the  Porter Commission   such that the commission came up with a bogus report.

Only Kazini had to be hanged for the sins of the  the NRM!

..and now some (fool)  MR Ruhakana Ruguna tells  that Uganda is a stablizing factor! Lo! what an Idiot! and who is he decieving by the way. Those Ruhanda think  that we do not see the obvious? or what?


In a message dated 6/16/2003 3:49:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Taking Uganda or Ugandan leadership out of the equation in solving the problems of the Great Lakes Region is not only self-defeating, but furthering the conflicts to hyper levels.  Uganda has contributed to the conflicts and it is only fair for Uganda to stay in the kitchen and take the heat as well.


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