
Is accountability a system? What are the sub systems of accountability? Accountable means as per Wester dictionary " subject to the obligation to report, explain or justify something; responsible; answerable. If you want a sytem that can guarantee a check on the powerful presidents, that system must have a strong judicial system ( as is the case of Britain) or a devolution \ shared of powers to the regions = Federal. So long as there is shared powers, no one will have the power to check on Museveni, Obote, Amin & future presidents. It took Obote 4 years to destroy that system ( federal) and the consiquencies you know- arrest without trial, state killings without probe or arrests; interanal wars of resistancy; pegion holes constituions; panda gali; adduyi;

Now Mulindwa, tell us how your " Accountability" is a system.

Lastly, you as hatemonger has no place in modern Uganda. Stop "covering" your self.
The late Mulindwa (RIP) who was in Museveni's PPU ( Presidentila Press Unit) used to "cover" him self that way. He was buried 2 or 3 years ago in Kasese or Bundibujjo.

J. Ssenyange

From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 15:53:57 -0400




            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale

> system, system, system ! What is this 'system' you are proposing ? Has it
> got a name ?
> >From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
> >Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 22:54:12 -0400
> >
> >Mwaami Musaazi
> >
> >You are using a very good word, a system. We plug holes in a system. A
> >whole
> >system. On and on. That is where my question comes from, do we have a
> >system
> >in Uganda? Do we have a system in Buganda? Do we have a system in Mengo?
> >you were given a chance to work in Mengo today where do you start to
> >for you can not even plug, for we plug systems and Mengo has none. Am I
> >talking to my own shadows today?
> >
> >Look here what I see when I look at Uganda today, Uganda is a very
> >nation, NRM government can not succeed if the population is corrupt as it
> >is, so is a DP government, so is a UPC government, so is Mengo
> >so is a Unitary system so is a federalism system. Let me put it to you in
> >milk bottle. What we need in Uganda is a situation where Iddi Amin can
> >and form a government and go, where UPC can come and form a government
> >go, where Museveni and the movement bus can come and go.Where uniterism
> >come and go, where federalism can come and go. A system which is
> >a system which stays as governments come and go. That system will state
> >that
> >every single Ugandan has a right to be alive. So if we get Museveni who
> >comes with a planed agenda to decimate Northerners, the system kicks him
> >out
> >and the system stays.
> >And yes you can refuse my analogy, but let me tell you today that one
> >leader will look on Uganda's problem and will conclude that Uganda is so
> >fucked up for Baganda are going with waves and they back all Killers we
> >in Uganda. A decision will be made to kill as many Baganda as possible.
> >What
> >system will protect you? We need a system which creates a national army,
> >army which stays whether a government is in power or not.
> >
> >But here is the catch, how can you discuss that with Mengo, an enterprise
> >which decides to discuss the future of Uganda with Museveni a man who has
> >even failed to establish a national army? A man who rules Uganda through
> >Resistance army? A man who pleads for Federalism but can not reinstate
> >kingdom of his own area Ankole? Would have you taken me serious if I went
> >to
> >Busoga and preached the return of Kingdoms when I have trashed the one of
> >Buganda?
> >
> >It leaves me with only one option, Buganda has a population of
> >thinkers, or Buganda suports Museveni for he has a plan to make Uganda
> >taken
> >over by Southerners, thus the threats of Nagadya, Love Federalism or you
> >are
> >TOST. Which means that to Buganda Museveni is a tool of conquest, for
> >is how Buganda developed to where she is. So who cares about the deaths
> >Northerners when Buganda will expand? Didn't this happen in Buyaga and
> >Bugangazzi?
> >
> >Give me a break
> >
> >Em
> >

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