Comming back into Uganda Politics is not illegal, but The refform Agenda must open their ears and listen to this news from Kenya very carefully. When we serve dictatorial Governments with great loyalty, we must be accountable to our actions. But if we think that we can change our out fits and just move on, it will be like thinking that Federalism brings democracy, actually it is the other way arround.
The Nation
Monday, June 16, 2003 


Kanu MPs yesterday strongly criticised Education minister George Saitoti over his remarks that former President Moi's government was "corrupt and inept".

They challenged the minister to expound on his allegations if he was principled, arguing that he had served Mr Moi's regime with unwavering loyalty for 14 years.

MPs Mutula Kilonzo (nominated), William Ruto (Eldoret North) and Charles Keter (Belgut) said Prof Saitoti, who served as Vice-President under Mr Moi between 1988 and last year, should have resigned during that period if he genuinely thought the then administration was corrupt. 

The MPs termed the remarks as "politically-motivated" and intended to please some elements in the Narc Government.

And a former minister, Dr Amukowa Anangwe, argued that Prof Saitoti "has a responsibility to tell Kenyans more" following his remarks.

Mr Ruto said: "Prof Saitoti should stop playing politics and tell the public more about corruption and inefficiency of the government he served without raising a finger. He is a hypocrite and liar."

The Eldoret North MP asked Prof Saitoti to "own up and apologise to Kenyans" for he was part of the administration that he was accusing of ineptitude.

According to Mr Ruto, Prof Saitoti "sang Nyayo the loudest and is now singing Narc".

The politicians said a majority of those who were now in the Kibaki Government also served under Mr Moi and only defected at the last minute after their aspirations to capture the Kanu presidential nomination failed.

Mr Kilonzo said: "Prof Saitoti should tell us what he was doing in a corrupt and inefficient administration ... it is like the story of the kettle calling the pot black." he told the Nation on telephone.

The nominated MP said some of those serving the Narc Government should be the last people to talk about corruption.

"Prof Saitoti should respect the intelligence of Kenyans ... why was he quiet for more than a year when former President Moi left him out and later reappointed him?" he asked.

Prof Saitoti, Mr Keter said, was among those who enjoyed patronage during the Moi administration. 

The Belgut MP said the Education minister defected from Kanu because he was not the preferred presidential candidate.

"He only defected because he was not nominated as the party's presidential candidate," Mr Keter said.

Dr Anangwe said Prof Saitoti played a "central role" as a Finance minister and Vice-President in the Moi administration and should tell Kenyans more.

"If indeed the Moi administration was corrupt, he (the then President) could not have done it alone. All those close to him must have known what happened and, therefore, have a duty to shed more light on what happened and their roles," he told Nation.

Having served as VP for more than 10 years, Dr Anangwe said, Prof Saitoti had powers to prevent the menace. 

He said Kanu had developed new norms and it will never allow the vices of the past to be repeated.

Addressing a crowd in Bungoma during the education day on Saturday, Prof Saitoti dismissed former President Moi's 24-year reign as "corrupt and inept".

Prof Saitoti told a huge crowd at the Masinde Muliro Stadium in Bungoma on Friday: "Kanu ilikuwa na magendo mingi na uongozi ovyo (the Kanu regime was riddled with corruption and poor leadership)."

He said he joined Narc "after doing my mathematics and establishing that it was credible and poised to trounce Kanu at the last General Election". 

The minister said his option paid off. 

He asked in Kiswahili:"Si mnaona niko imara (Don't you see that I'm steady)?"

Prof Saitoti praised Bungoma residents for their steadfast support for the Opposition over 10 years until Kanu was swept out of power.

            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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