36 minutes ago

SEOUL, South Korea - Two South Korean electricians were shot and killed in Iraq (news - web sites) near Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s hometown of Tikrit, the Yonhap news agency reported early Monday.



The two were shot while riding in a car on their way to Tikrit, north of Baghdad, where they had been working at an electric power transmission station, the South Korean news agency quoted Foreign Ministry Director General Lee Kwang-jae as saying. The report did not say when the shooting occurred.

The electricians worked for a firm contracted by a U.S. company to lay electric power lines, Yonhap reported. The dead were Lee Sang-won and Lim Dae-shik, according to the Foreign Ministry director.

He said officials from South Korea (news - web sites)'s embassy in Iraq were on their way to the scene.

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