Uganda To Ratify US Treaty Today

By Alfred Wasike
UGANDA today signs a controversial treaty which gives US soldiers in global peace keeping operations immunity against prosecution by the new International Criminal Court.
the July 1 deadline looms for nations to sign the pacts or lose billions of dollars in US military aid.
Also today, the United Nations Security Council votes on an extension of the contentious resolution shielding U.S. soldiers against prosecution by the new International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes.
Last July, the Security Council granted a request by the US to exempt US soldiers and those from countries that have not ratified the ICC from arrest or trial.
Under US law, countries that have not signed Article 98 agreements by July 1 could lose all of their military aid from the United States.
But the exact number of countries affected and the exact amount of aid at stake was not clear.
This is because some nations were exempted from the requirement and others have secretly signed the pacts, officials said.
US government officials cited Uganda, which they said was expected to sign an Article 98 pact today, as an example.

Published on: Thursday, 12th June, 2003

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