Uganda set for political change

President Yoweri Museveni has said he is in favour of
returning the country to a multi-party political
system, according to press reports.

Since coming to power in 1986, President Museveni has
refused to allow parties to operate, ruling through a
non-party political system, known as the "movement".

But pressure has been growing both from within and
outside the country for a return to multi-party
politics, despite fears that this could reopen
divisions along tribal and religious lines.

A committee of the movement was given responsibility
for considering what political system Uganda should
adopt in December last year.

Ugandan newspapers say President Yoweri Museveni has
been pushing it to recommend the opening up of
multi-party politics.

A senior movement official, Dr Crispus Kiyonga, is
quoted as saying President Museveni will address a
meeting of the movement before the end of February, to
discuss the issue.

Western pressure

The president is reported to have conceded to
colleagues opposed to the move that the development
could lead to the break up of the "movement" into
different factions.

But pressure from the international community is
reported to be a critical factor in changing his mind.

"The fundamental consideration is protection of
investment," President Museveni is quoted as saying

He said that great gains had been made in investment
and trading with the United States and Europe.

"The people who have opened their markets to us are
the ones who want us to open political space to
multi-party politics.

"We should not take decisions that will scare away
investors because if there is disinvestment it will
take years and years before we can convince them to

  The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy"
             Le groupe de transmission de Mulindwas
" avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans anarchy "

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