It is not clear how many people are using ConceptMapper at this point, since it hasn't been officially released yet, but in working with some projects that are currently using it, we have found some inefficiencies that we'd like to correct. Unfortunately, some of the proposed modifications will cause changes to the public interfaces (method parameters, returned objects). If we are going to fix these problems, we can either just go forward and do it, breaking any code that might depend on the current public interfaces, or we could preserve ConceptMapper and create a separate new system, a ConceptMapper2 with the changes. If ConceptMapper is currently only used as a UIMA annotator and changes to the public interfaces will not cause anyone problems, I'd personally prefer to just make the changes to ConceptMapper and not have a new, second version, particularly as it hasn't even been *released* yet. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to go breaking anyone's currently working systems.

So, are there any comments from anyone currently using ConceptMapper?


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