A question mainly for Thilo.  This is my idea for implementing the
"default bag index" proposal - that is, when someone calls
IndexRepository.addFS(fs) when there are no indexes defined over the
type of the fs, a bag index will be created:

 public void ll_addFS(int fsRef) {
   // Determine type of FS.
   final int typeCode = this.cas.getHeapValue(fsRef);
   // indicate this type's indexes are being modified
   // in case an iterator is simultaneously active over this type
   // Get the indexes for the type.
   final ArrayList indexes = this.indexArray[typeCode];
   // Add fsRef to all indexes.
   final int size = indexes.size();
   for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
     ((IndexIteratorCachePair) indexes.get(i)).index.insert(fsRef);
   if (size == 0) {
     //lazily create a default bag index for this type
     Type type = this.typeSystem.getType(typeCode);
     String defIndexName = "_" + type.getName() + "_GeneratedIndex";
     FSIndexComparator comparator = createComparator();
     createIndexNoQuestionsAsked(comparator, defIndexName, FSIndex.BAG_INDEX);
     assert this.indexArray[typeCode].size() == 1;
     //add the FS to the bag index

So far this seems to be working.

One potential issue is that this would add new indexes after the
IndexRepository has been "committed".  However, the
IndexRepository.commit() method currently only does this:
 public void commit() {
   // Will create the default type order if it doesn't exist at this point.
   this.locked = true;

So it doesn't seem like there is anything being done on commit that
would break if I add new indexes later.

What do you think?


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