Rev. Colgan's death Londonderry 1818

17 Jan 1818 death
At the house of the Right Rev. Dr. O’DONNELL, Londonderry, on the 3rd
instant, of typhus fever, which he caught whilst administering the
balm of religion, to his numerous parishioners, who were confined to
the bed of sickness, the Rev. Daniel COLGAN, Parish Priest of
Londonderry and Templemore. During his illness, which continued about
3 weeks, the house and all the avenues leading to it, were constantly
crowded to excess, by people of all ranks and denominations, who
evinced the greatest anxiety for his recovery, which fully proves the
warm estimation in which this most amiable and highly gifted gentleman
was held by all classes in society. Possessed of every qualification
which could adorn the Pulpit, either as an eloquent and persuasive
orator, a sincere Christian, a profound scholar, or an accomplished
gentleman; he died in the 33rd year of his age, to the inexpressible
grief of a very populous Parish, who have, in his death, sustained an
irreparable loss. His remains were interred in the chapel yard, amidst
the greatest and most respectable assemblage of people ever witnessed
on any similar occasion.

transcribed by Teena from the Dublin Evening Post
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