
Thank you to everybody who replied to this thread, both online and offline.

Sławomir Osipiuk wrote:

As for "concatenation of such plain text sequences" where each sequence is in a different language, ...

Actually I was meaning the concatenation of a number of messages, one from each of a number "things", where each message includes text in several languages. The result being a report in several languages, just by simple concatenation of the number of reports. That is, if there are seven sensors, the final report has seven uses of the language code for English, seven for French, seven for German, seven for Polish, and so on.

Mark E. Shoulson wrote:

So at least this particular application would be a solution to a problem that's already been solved.

Well, maybe it is now a solution that is out there and maybe some day a problem will arise for which this would be a solution worth considering. So for now it drifts into the archives.

Best regards,

William Overington

Tuesday 11 February 2020

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