Julie> We're estimating that 4.0 will be roughly 1500 pages, which the
    Julie> publisher says is not a problem for one volume. Now whether you can
    Julie> carry it with one hand is a different question. :-)

We Unicode accolytes have a rule that requires using both hands when carrying
the holy book anyway :-)

Mind you, revealed wisdom should never exceed 4.5 kilograms in weight (in
Earth-normal gravity) so that it remains suitable for slamming authoritatively
on the tops of podiums, desks and other flattish surfaces.
Mark Leisher                        ... I get my ideas from reading the news,
Computing Research Lab              which is probably why my writing has the
New Mexico State University         intellectual depth of Saran Wrap.
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL                     -- Michael Swaine
Las Cruces, NM  88003

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