Title: FW: Updated UTF-8 Magic Pocket Encoder

        Corrected the version information (I had it wrong in front).  Thanks to an alert reader for pointing it out.  No substantive change.  Enjoy.

Side 1 (print and cut out):

|     U+0000 | yy zz |    Cima's UTF-8 Magic | Hex= |
|     U+007F | !  !  |        Pocket Encoder | B-4  |
|         YZ | .  .  |                       |      |
+------------+-------+-------+     Vers. 1.2 | 0=00 |
|     U+0080 | 3x xy | 2y zz |  06 July 2004 | 1=01 |
|     U+07FF | 3. .. | 2. !  |               | 2=02 |
|        XYZ | .  .  | .  .  |          M.C. | 3=03 |
+------------+-------+-------+-------+       | 4=10 |
|     U+0800 | 32 ww | 2x xy | 2y zz |       | 5=11 |
|     U+FFFF | !  !  | 2. .. | 2. !  |       | 6=12 |
|       WXYZ | E  .  | .  .  | .  .  |       | 7=13 |
+------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 8=20 |
| U-00010000 | 33 0v | 2v ww | 2x xy | 2y zz | 9=21 |
| U-000FFFFF | !  0. | 2. !  | 2. .. | 2. !  | A=22 |
|      VWXYZ | F  .  | .  .  | .  .  | .  .  | B=23 |
+------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ C=30 |
| U-00100000 | 33 10 | 20 ww | 2x xy | 2y zz | D=31 |
| U-0010FFFF | !  !  | !  !  | 2. .. | 2. !  | E=32 |
|       WXYZ | F  4  | 8  .  | .  .  | .  .  | F=33 |

Side 2 (print, cut out, and glue on back of side 1):

| Cima's UTF-8 Magic Pocket Encoder - User's Manual |
| (vers. 1.2, 06 July 2004, by Marco Cimarosti)     |
|                                                   |
| - Left column: min and max Unicode scalar values: |
|   pick the row that applies to the code point you |
|   want to convert to UTF-8. Letters W..Z mark the |
|   hexadecimal digits that have to be processed.   |
| - Right column: hexadecimal to base-4 table.      |
| - Central columns: work area to compute each octet|
|   (1 to 4) that constitute UTF-8 octet sequences. |
| Convert each digit marked by W..Z from hex. to    |
| b.-4. Write b.-4 digits on the dots placed under  |
| letters w..z (two b.-4 digits per hex. digit).    |
| Convert 2-digit base-4 number to hex. digits and  |
| write them on the dots on the line. That is your  |
| UTF-8 sequence in hex.! Exclamation marks show    |
| passages that may be skipped, either because the  |
| digit is hard-coded, or because it may be copied  |
| directly from the scalar value.                   |

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