If you are interested in Windows programming in assembler, there are now various enhancements to GoAsm (free assembler) and GoLink (free linker).  In particular, GoAsm will now assemble Unicode files (both UTF-8 and UTF-16).
This means you can now use a Unicode command line; use input, output, raw data and include files with Unicode filenames; you can use comments in Unicode; code and data labels in Unicode (and resource IDs in RC files using GoRC);  defined words in Unicode, and in names of exported functions.
So now you can write all your source code in your own language, including all your data and function calls. 
There are also various new things to assist in Unicode programming and in Unicode/Ansi switching.
There is a comprehensive help file included with three Hello Unicode test programs.
GoLink works with a Unicode command line, command files and output and can used with files with Unicode file names.
(The free resource compiler GoRC already works with Unicode files).
These enhancements to GoAsm and GoLink are available from
www.GoDevTool.com.  See "Unicode News".
Jeremy Gordon
Author of the "Go" tools.

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