Dear unicoder:

I am looking for open source tool (C / C++ / Perl or Java) to convert between (UTF-8/UTF-16 or ISCII) and differnt Indict font encoding. Please let me know if you know anything available.

Perl, or

Convert from A to / from B where
A mean
UTF-16, or

B mean
font encoding of Nadunia font
font encoding of Shusha font
font encoding of DV-Suresh font
font encoding of DV-Yogesh font
font encoding of Mangal font (that is just OpenType, is it ?)

Also conversion between
UTF-16 and ISCII

If there are no CODE available, information (mapping table, algorithm, documentation) are also helpful.

Below is the information I already know. If you know anything more than that, please let me know. Or if you know more detail about those, please also let me know:

1. I know Eric Mader at IBM is working on a layout engine which he reverse enginieer some of the Indic font encoding.
2. There are some very limited information about INSFOC font from page 76-77 at

3. Pango probably have some table to handle these fonts. Sun help us (mozilla) to put a small part of pango code into mozilla to handle hindi in

The whole pango source at
They have some shapping engine for indic fonts. But I am not sure that will to revers mapping from font code back to iscii

4. t you may have some open soruce code there deal with the conversion

5. about Nadunia
look at <>

Mark Leisher. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/ <mailto:mleisher@;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) seems pretty knowledgable about this issue.

6. Mangal- Mangal is just a OpenType font, right? should the page encoded in UTF-8 ?

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