I previously posted a questionnaire (see below -- not a poll or survey)  
about reasons why opponents of the proposed Campus Inn were opposed to the  
A number of people, rightfully, jumped all over me  for doing something for 
opponents and not giving supporters of  the project an opportunity to indicate 
why they liked it, or undecided neighbors  an way to note the questions they 
think should be answered before they can make  up their minds.
Admittedly, I'm not happy with the project as it's been presented to date.  
However, in the interest of balance, I've prepared two additional 
questionnaires  to accommodate folks in the above two groups.
To register your sentiments, go to _www.campus-inn.blogspot.com_ 
(http://www.campus-inn.blogspot.com) . You  can access any of the 
questionnaires with a 
click from there. If you're not sure  which questionnaire to fill out, click on 
one or the other and look at the  items; if you exit without hitting the 
"submit" button, no trace of your visit  will be retained.
Always at  your service
Al Krigman
Note: The purpose of these questionnaires is to get an idea --  qualitatively 
-- of what people like, don't like, or don't think they know  enough to 
decide about the project. It is not meant as a gauge of community  sentiment 
will not be represented as such. Results will be  made available through this 
listserv (and they won't be copyrighted so  someone can copy them to 
and/or pfsni as well, sent to the  University City Review for (possible) 
publication, and provided to the  developers in connection with public meetings 
that will presumably be held  as they attempt to move forward with their plans.

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